Jan 30, 2005 00:12
this week has been fun on friday I went to the mall with my mom and aunt cuz they wanted to spend time with me so I went and I went to the movies to go see Hide and seek I thought it was a pretty kewl movie it was freaky not that scary though but suprising well I dont wanna talk about the movie much because then I'll ruin it for people who havnt seen it. well then after it was finished we were waiting outside for the car and I was sittin on the floor but I had to get up cuz the security gard said so. so then I walked passed this hot!!! skater guy and like he was there byhimslef and I looked back and he looked back and Idk I smiled cuz i tend to do that alot when I think someone's hot and yea I was there bored waitin so I took a little peek back and he was still lookin at me hehe! =) I wanted to go say hi but my aunt was there with me so I didnt say anything but then I regreted it damnit he was hot to0 I would have gotten some digits from him well then today I went on a whole day shopping with my aunt and I saw alexa and denit and thomas and I dont remember his name yeash! got new jeans at wet seal there cute well i'm sore and tired so I'ma go sit on the couch and watch t.v peace......