Title: You and No One Else
Pairing: Kemaru (Kevin/Kibum)
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG (not sure if it's G or PG)
A/N: Another fic! I don't know why but I always end up writing endings in which they go to sleep. -.- LOL. Enjoy! ^^
The U-kiss members have been practicing different dances for the past six hours. Now, they were taking a short break and the members were sitting on the floor or lying on the floor. They were really tired and exhausted.
“Come on, guys. Just one last song for this day.” Xander said.
The other members stood up and practiced their song one last time. After the long day of practicing they finally get to go home to their dorm and relax. Kevin was already done fixing his things and was about to call his Kibummie hyung but Xander suddenly called him.
Xander walked towards Kevin and put one of his arms around Kevin's waist. Then, without Kevin knowing it, he was already being dragged out the door by the elder male.
"Cmon, Kev. Let's go."
Kevin then suddenly remembered Kibum and thought, B-but Kibum hyung! Ah...He can just go with Soohyun-hyung.
Kibum saw Alexander with Kevin again before the two got out of the room. "Aish~ Alexander hyung, you better lay your hands off of Kevin," he mumbled to himself. Then he continued fixing his stuff and went to the van with Soohyun and Dongho. He became more pissed off because he saw that Xander was with Kevin again. They’re sitting beside each other…great.
They were finally at their dorm and found out that it was already 12:15 am. Kiseop was the first one to shower, and then Eli then Xander and then rest followed.
So, they were all in their respected rooms after they all showered except for Kibum. He just finished showering and now was on his way to his room which he shared with Kevin of course. The younger was already inside their room, sitting on the bed and he was doodling his boyfriend’s name in his diary surrounding it with hearts of different sizes. Then, Kibum entered the room and eyed his adorable boyfriend who was looking really happy. Kevin heard someone enter the room and his head shot up and gave the older a bright smile.
“Hi, hyuuung!” Kevin greeted then continued doodling.
“Hi, Binnie.” Kibum replied calmly.
While Kibum was looking for a place to hang his towel, he noticed that Kevin was writing something while giggling to himself. He hanged his towel somewhere beside their closet and took a few steps forward towards the bed’s direction.
“Hey, Kevin. What are you writing that would make you want to giggle like a crazy person.” Kibum asked curiously, laughing a little.
“It’s nothing, hyung,” then Kevin smiled innocently.
Kibum took more steps forward until he was in front of Kevin already. Then, when the latter realized that Kibum was now in front of him, he immediately closed his diary and hid it under his legs. It was not that Kevin didn’t want Kibum to see how much more he loved him, but for him, it was just a smidge bit embarrassing to be doing that even at this time. Kibum then kneeled on the bed and inched closer and closer to Kevin. It resulted to Kevin being trapped by Kibum on the wall and their faces being too close to each other’s.
Kevin hit Kibum playfully on his shoulder, “Hyuuung, what are you doing?” He said and blushed crimson red.
“Come on~ Why don’t you tell me? …So you’re keeping secrets from me now, huh?”
“It was really nothing, hyung!”
“You’re really not gonna tell?” Kibum said with one eye brow raised.
“No!” Kevin said as he stuck his tongue out cutely,
“Oh really?” Kibum said with a smirk then suddenly started tickling his boyfriend endlessly without any thoughts of stopping.
“Ahahaha! Kib-ha-ha-hum hyu-hu-huung! Stop it! Hahaha!” Kevin couldn’t stop rolling and wiggling on the bed while Kibum was tickling him.
Suddenly awkward silence filled the room when their eyes met each other’s. Kibum was on top of Kevin using his arms as support so as not to fall on him. Then, both of their gazes shifted to Kevin’s mobile phone on top of their night table when someone sent him a text message. The younger reached for his phone holding both of their positions. Kevin didn’t mind their position so they just remained like that while Kevin was reading the message. When he read the message already, he placed his phone back to its original place on the side.
“Who was it from?”
“It was from Xander-hyung. He was just saying good night.” Kevin replied. They still stayed in the same position, it was a bit awkward but it was fine with them both. It was silent for a while but Kibum broke the silence.
“You don’t like…him, right?”
“Who? Xander-hyung?” Kevin asked back and Kibum just nodded looking at only Kevin and not anything else.
Kevin cupped Kibum’s cheeks and squished them making Kibum look like a cute fish. “Hyung. Listen carefully. I only love you and no one else.” Kevin said with a weak smile. He chuckled at how cute his hyung looked and gave the older a gentle kiss on the lips. The latter smiled back and sat up. He leaned on the wall and told Kevin to come near him. Kevin also sat up and stayed where Kibum told him to. Kevin was now seated between Kibum’s legs with Kibum hugging him from behind.
Kibum kissed Kevin softly on his cheed, “I love you so much, Binnie,” he whispered into Kevin’s ear.
Kevin blushed and replied, “I love you so much too, Kibummie hyung.”
“Just promise me, Kevin, that you won’t always be with Alexander-hyung all the time.”
“Okay, hyung~” Kevin knew how Kibum got jealous whenever he spent too much time with the other members during practices or schedule and found it very cute.
They both cherished that moment that they were both in each other’s arms while Kibum kept whispering sweet ‘I love you’s into Kevin’s ear and rested in each other’s warm embrace until they felt sleepy and ready to go to bed.
Hope you liked it. 8D