...no, really, how do they work? How does island end world?
But you know what Lost, you went whole hog for the ~emotional ending, full of character moments and aggressively yanked heartstrings. And you ripped off that end part of Titanic when old Rose dies and ends up all young again back on Titanic with Jack waiting for her, but that's OK! Because there were no pigeon metaphors. I can kinda respect the emotional ending, even if it was a bit "You get a soul mate! And you get a soul mate! And you! And you! Everyone gets a soul mate!" Except Michael and Walt, who are not invited. And Aaron, who apparently has to spend eternity as an infant, even though he presumably grew up. WHATEVER!
The part where Vincent came to be with Jack as he died was legitimately heart-wrenching, though.
Why was Desmond aware of alt limbo while he was still alive. Why was Desmond immune to electromagnetic energy. What happened there. I'm not bothering with question marks because there is no point.
It was nice seeing everyone reunite but other than that... I dunno. I feel like the more I think about it, the more it will aggravate me, so I'm just gonna go to sleep.