(Look! I'm actually using LJ!)
Ok, so I've been perusing the community
thriftwhore, and I really like it. It makes me want to run out and scour thrift stores for awesome finds that I can then post to the community. I may do that at some point. I've never really shopped at thrift stores, but I do love a good bargain!
And then that got me thinking- are there any communities that function the same way except for bargains? Like, "Look at these amazing Miu Miu slingbacks I got for 80% off!" You think there would be, right? I mean, it's basically shopaholic porn. Well, I've spent about an hour searching on LJ and off, and I can find NOTHING of the sort. There are some mainstream blogs, but they're mostly "Such-and-such site is having a 30% off sale! Such bargains!" which is NOT IT AT ALL. I am looking for HARDCORE bargain hunting, internet, and you have failed me! Woe.
So, of course I'm left wondering if maybe I should create a community? But then maybe I'm just very strange in my bargain-obsessions.
thriftwhore does have over 8,000 members (so close to being able to actually say "over 9,000" and yet so far) and surely there must be some crossover there of people who also like to get new/designer stuff for super cheap? And then brag about it on the internet? (I think a community rule would have to be that anything you post must be AT LEAST 50% off regular price. Anything less is just a "sale price" and we don't truck with that!)
Ahem. Anyway, I guess I'm just surprised that this is a niche that is (apparently) not filled. Am I just going about the search the wrong way? Does anyone out there know of a community/blog/group similar to what I'm describing? Anyone else interested in a place where people share their awesome bargain discoveries?