Ho hum di dumm

Jun 12, 2009 00:21

So, I haven't updated out of boredom in a while, so I shall do that now.
Well, I've been trying to learn the piano. I found this tutorial on YouTube for Ich Bin Nicht Ich, my official favorite song, but the person doing the tutorial aimed the camera at a weird angle so I couldn't tell exactly what notes she was pressing. And she also got a lot of comments that told her her keyboard was out of tune. So maybe I'll go back to trying to play that song when I can play some others. I already started to learn Rette Mich, and I can play that the best so far. I tried to learn 1000 Meere but after the intro, you have to use both hands playing different notes, and I don't have the speed or capacity to do that yet. So pooh.

Yesturday I went to bed at 4:00 in the morning and woke up at 13:00. LoL. I have a feeling it's going to be the same tonight since it's 0:25 and I'm not tired. I danced today and exercized in the hopes of depleting some of my energy, so now I have sore abs, but I'm not tired. I'll have to get up and work my legs and core muscles after my dad and his gf Yolanda fall asleep, LoL.

And um...oh! I changed my backround on my computer, and I've had the same backround for two days now. I'm always changing it depending on my mood, but the current one is too amazing to change.

Everytime I open the computer my eyes have an orgasm, ROFL.
So I wonder how long it will go before I change my backround again. 
I have soooo many TH and Bill pictures, it's funny. My current count is about 550 pictures.

Is that too stalker-ish? LoL.

Um...that's basically it. I think I'm going to walk to the library tomorrow. The libraries in Broward county here in FL are crap. I miss my Vegas libraries :(
Which reminds me, I have to order those books on Amazon that I need for my homework. How screwed is that? I have homework this summer. I wish I could hate my teacher, but I love her, so grr, I'm almost frustrated with myself.

Typing the word "frustrated" made me feel like I was typing "castrated" for a minute there, LOL.

That's basically it. Nothing too interesting. I bought some rocker skinny jeans, I ripped my favorite pajamas, so now I have cuter black ones from Walmart, um, I had chicken for dinner, bla bla bla blah...........................

homework, stalker, tokio hotel, shopping, ich liebe das foto, music, bill kaulitz, school, sleep, library, computer

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