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english is first since i heard it first
in both the first verse and second but i'll give it only once, about 0:40 seconds
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in the third verse after the second chorus and technically again at the end, even though that one just repeats it. about 2:40
and BTW, this is my favorite song ever, as of two months ago, haha.
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at about 2:53.
That's so weird how all of a sudden I'm aware of the words rescue me.
It started with TH. I fell in love with Ich Bin Nich' Ich before I heard the entire song, and so hearing "Komm und rette mich" in the song, I think is what made me remember, since those were the only words I could understand the first time I heard the song.
But seriously, the words are like a giant squid, with it's toothed suction cups that latch on and rap around my brain.
It could also be an effect of that fanfic "I'll Save You From Yourself"
That story had such an undescribably heartbreaking effect.