I Like Penis In or Around My Mouth!

Apr 06, 2009 19:00

Writer's Block: Grab and Go
I want to find out if there is a president's book, what goes down in Area 51, how many exclusive military sites like that one exist and what have they discovered, did we land on the moon, how much do we know about the Bermuda Triangle, anything i can about crystal skulls, what they have on the most haunted sites, does the yeti exist, lochness monster theories, are there any pink elephants, is elvis really dead, did king arthur exist, and what will really happen in the year 2012.

I'm into mysteries and paranormal stuff, so paranormal mysteries are at the top of my list, but proving the lochness monster exists is a high priority. I wrote a speech on it in the eighth grade. I can't believe the people who don't believe that the lochness monster doesn't exist. There's so much proof. We don't even know what's there, but we know something is there, and that's why i get pissed at those who deny it. The same way I get pissed at the people who say there's no such thing as aliens. How the fuck are you going to believe that? In a universe that's constantly expanding, filled with millions of gallaxies, each with billions of stars, with a minimum of a planet going around each one. How can you keep the belief that we are the only intelligent (ish) life form in the universe?
That's not even counting the theories that there are multiple universes.

Oosh, anyway.
First official day of spring break. I can't figure out what I want to do with it. I've decided that this summer, I'm going to work at my stepmom's store, learn a language, learn to play the piano, and try to find work as a model. I want to accomplish things that will make me rich, and benefit myself. I'm tired of just being stuck here. I feel like I need to start making my impact on the world. But until this summer, I don't think I have the time to do that. I need to get straight A's this quarter, since I did awfully last quarter. Excuse me for being lazy.... : (



I don't, but this joker one here is for the sexual interest of my friend Mary.

Who knew there was an icon that said that? ____________________^

 I want hot lesbian sex cookies!!!

Okay....maybe I want hot lesbian sex too....

writer's block, summer, cover-ups, modeling, hot lesbian sex, money, paranormal, sexy, language, icons, conspiracies

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