I'm Finally (almost) Done With Media And Society!!

Dec 13, 2007 14:31

We had our last exam today.  It sucked.  There was a question that was all like "Which of the following did not attend such-and-such university?" and it was all like "This person, Stuart whatnot, another guy, Noam Chomsky, or none of the above."  I was like, what the heck!  I still got a 96%... after he added 40 points to everyone's score.  I'm still going to complain though.  So what if I got a good grade, that doesn't make the test any less irritating.  I hate it when people are all like "that test was terrible, but somehow you're not allowed to agree with me because you did better than everyone else."  Yeah, whatever.  What if I just so happened to get that university question right?  Does that somehow make it a better question?  I highly doubt that anyone within or outside of the major would be required to know the answer off the top of their head in the workforce.  Then again, we won't be taking bubble tests in the workforce either.  That'll be nice.  I can't wait to get an internship and be able to say that I have experience that doesn't consist almost entirely of taking bubble tests.  I guess there are still essays, but so far I've only had to write one essay.  And that was philosophy.  I'm not majoring in philosophy.

In other news,  I got my calc exam back today!  I got a 92 on it.  I looked over it and I should have gotten a 91.  I mentioned it to Karl because I saw him in the hallway outside his office and thought I might as well.  He was all like "Meh... whatever" so I still have a 92.

It's snowing!!  ^_^
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