We've come a long long way together,
Through the hard times and the good,
I have to celebrate you baby,
I have to praise you like I should.
Random Thought
You know, I've always wondered, what do people think about when they swim. During the past 2 weeks when I was swimming almost daily, I thought about many things, including my life, shopping, what to eat, what to wear later on, my holidays schedule. Do everyone think of other random things when they swim? Or do they just concentrate on the swimming? I've always wondered.
Oh well, I've been swimming, been shopping like mad, been reading, had the bbq at Justin's on friday, great great food, photos will be up when Xinling uploads them, and today, Hanwei & I finally had our first date in a long long time. We shopped quite a bit, ate a feast at Taka's basement and Hanwei does his nonsense as usual, talking to random people ALL THE TIME. Goodness, but shopping really does make me beam and flash my very clean teeth. Anyway, I'll be off to Bali on Tuesday! Sea sports, beautiful beaches, craft and I'm gonna partially braid my hair! WOOHOOOOOO! Oh and, my mom is gonna to partially braid her hair too, how interesting. Haha.
Tomorrow is movie marathon with Hanwei, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist & Twilight, & fancy dinner with the family. I guess I'll blog again when I get back from Bali on friday.
Good night everyone & take care meanwhile!