choo choo

Mar 27, 2006 10:42

I got back from my trip the other day, and i miss the train. I guess I was only on it for about a day and a half total, but that was enough to hook me. I met all kinds of people going all kinds of places and the constant movement and the scenery were a far cry from the familiarity I have returned to. The train consisted of many people all headed someplace but connecting in between to pass the time, and thats pretty much how life is in general. So I've been trying to comfort myself with that analogy.

But I miss Charles, and I miss Al and his crazy banjo. banjo. Thats a funny word.

I miss bluffs and bald eagles and lakes. I saw the Misissippi for the first time, and to say the least, it was nice.

I'm just plain not fond of being here in Columbus again. Friends I thought I had feel distant now. I'm changing my major from Philosophy back to English Literature. I'm happy because I think Literature will give me something much more steady and in a strange way more tangible than the abstract ideas of philosophy. My trip was gorgeous and explosive and exciting and more than anything, I want to be able to capture that exhilaration and smack it down on paper so that it can't escape. So that it's somehow immortal, or at least as close as anything can get to immortal.

I think this is much of why art is so treasured and such a way of escaping the trivial nature of life. We get to see time frozen for a second, instead of whizzing by us at a fantastic speed. Only then can we see the beauty in our joy and even in our depression. Maybe even more so.

This is stuff I normally would only write in one of my notebooks. But as long as I'm bearing my soul to you... I have to find a new psychologist in Columbus. I know it's supposedly a strongly recommended thing for me, but theres still something sad to me about having to seek out some sort of professional to help you to figure out your mind problems. But I've been seeing the inconsistancy that occurs in friendships and I'm not sure who else to really rely on. I definitely have beautiful people who care, but they all have their own lives and problems and I understand how important it is to make your own mind the priority in order to survive.

My sister is here and I am glad of that.
I want to travel more, worry less, and finish school.
And sometimes get drunk.
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