hoho im finally hitting this lil' space of mine again after sucha long time! the first submission of the term ended just yesterday and i'm already breathing the big V! hahaha. so shiok so shiok!
0102's studio was transformed into an exhibit
so to you non-design school people, have fun mugging and all the best for the upcoming exams! cheeeerozzzz
oh ya, on my way home in the train yesterday, i witnessed a super agressive argument from jurong east to bukit gombak right before me! lol. i wasn't really looking until their volumes overtook my itouch and texting business. haha. so anyway, man Z was flabbergasted when woman X who was standing directly in front of yours truly, scolded the big F word when he accidentally touched her while giving way to stranger Y and so both of them demanded apologies ( Z gave in but X's rather thick in the head). the fight escalates to the climax when stranger Y reprimanded the woman for being blablabla and soon turned into a 3-Men-Expletive-Hurling freeShow which lasted for 1 1/2 stops. so embarrassing. yet i was expecting more (erm... maybe the fists? haha. just kidding!) when the fight ceased after the uncle mumbled to himself. =( anyway. moral of the incident is... the woman's admirable guts of remaining in the train and making herself comfortable on the seats after creating a scene that left commuters in a terror is definitely something worth mentioning.
ANYWAY. of updates!
let me recall... in the midst of preparing all the submissibles earlier this week, the first birthday surprised kicked off on a late tuesday evening at the design school's office. it was mama's aka sooyin's birthday... haha. yes we call her ma(1)ma(4) cos she's sucha loving and motherly lecturer! our initial idea was to celebrate in the studio, but the meetings had held her till late *sadface*, so we decided to make our way to the office instead!
as Truffles ( name given to the cake lah ) was being brought to her with the birthday song, tears begin to fill the corners of her eyes and my ears could recall vanvan summoning for a pack of tissue. 真是令人太感动了~ haha
this is truffles :D it still taste gooooooood even without icepacks for hours!
and mama! she invited us into the office after blowing the candles cos it's really warm outside, and we sang her mandarin bday song after we got in. she's moved to tears once more...
chocolate and MAMA are love! hahaha. the last slice of cake's for jonathan. hehe
after savouring the cake, one of the very friendly staff who works in the office offiered to help us with a groupie!
mama and us! haha. it's hilarious to see hw the guys negotiate distinctions over a cake!
twist like u never had twisties beforeeeeee! =)
hahaha. the class is going ecp again for kayaking tmr! can't wait can't wait. pray i wont get too burnt this time... i needa stay outta the sun from now on. haha.
till the next entry, take care all!