well im awake now and i still feel sick. I hate the doctor. me and Alicia and my dad sat in there for like 6 hours with needles in my arms just for them to say they dont know whats wrong and give me pills. I hate them so much. I still feel like shit. People are crazy. I want to move. I can't stop missing work. Im dropping out of school but
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you are so mature that you use mom jokes. man i have to remember that one for future references, when you are an educated, beautiful christian make "your mom" jokes to improve on your intellectual legitimacy and crush any dissent that you might be an impaired white trash whore.
you could never reach my level of slutiness, not enough guys would fuck your high maintanance exhilaratingly beautiful ass.
yes and i see that you have an impressively excellent level of education. your grasp on the english language continues to astonish me. you would think for some one who is so well educated you would have caught on to the metaphor of the oi punk kid (yes MET-A-PHOR). if you don't understand or know what that is i am sure your texas public education teachers will be more than happy to tell you what to do and how to spot one.
and dearest i do have just one suggestion to make. if you plan on ever going to college, turn in a paper that ends "in conclusion" the teacher will be astounded by your ability to think outside of the common elementary school concluding paragraph starters and instantly pass you with an A.
i said it once before but obviously you couldn't read well enough to understand it. I HAVE NO ILL WILL TOWARD YOU AT ALL (i do not wish you to die, but live a long and happy life. i always thought that is what good "christians" did.) I JUST DON'T LIKE WHO YOU ARE
i made landon make peace with you in that girls journal, and now i am trying to keep that peace. i am sorry if you conform to middle class america and are afraid of everything anyone says about you. i was simply telling you my opinion, i was not attacking you. if i was attacking you i would have called you a fucking whore and tell you that i hoped you'd die, i never attacked your physical appearance simply your character. but that is not what i did i simply told you what i thought and i feel bad for people that are too sheltered to understand that.
P.s. since you seem to think that money and sex are all that is important i will have you know that me and landon have graphically fantastic ONE minute sex and we found a fucking five dollar bill yesterday and preceded to be fucking rich. we even went out and bought a five dollar pizza, a fucking expensive delicacy. fuck fuck fuck look at me i am a politically active (gasp there is something wrong with that) punk "rawker" (since lynnette seems to be unable to spell correctly) that has bad hygiene. oh no what ever shall i do.
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