Apr 08, 2006 07:41
I saw this movie called The Hole last night. Good movie. But it showed Keira Knightly's chestal section and they really weren't that great I'd have to say. But the one thing that has me baffled is that she is 21 right now, the movie was made in 2001, so theh she'd be, that's right 16, 17 at best in case her birthday is late or something. So isn't that actually like child porn. And I know, one of the 1st things that come to mind is, but if her parents sign something, blah blah blah, no. That'd be like saying hey, I know my kids five but I'll allow you to videotape them naked and sell it. So it makes no sense, I don't really care it was just something stuck in my head.
My dad is pretty much dying it seams like. My mom had to take him to the emergency room last night cause he has been throwing up since tuesday literally every 5 or 10 minutes. I guess he was severely dehydrated so they had to hook him up to some IV's and gave him like almost a gallon of that shit they have in there. His throat was so swollen from throwing up and just being sick that he could barely breath, if he'd waited much longer it would've completely stopped him from breathing and he would've suffocated. So now he's home, and he's got a gangload of pills and shit to take, that's gotta suck. I feel so sorry for him, this' the sickest I've ever seen him.