Oh God, I'm dying hahaha. Both my daughters have colic and it's impossible keeping up with their demands when they both want me ALL THE TIME. My husband works full time and is finishing his senior year of college, so I'm here by myself 80% of the time or so. Not fun. I don't know how people who have triplets or more do this, I'm going nuts.
How's breastfeeding going for you? I can help with minor problems; it seems we've hit at least 2/3 of the stupid beginner's problems one can have (being that there are two babies, I guess I can see how this happened haha).
I love my little girls - I just wish I were more the maternal type naturally. But I'm getting there :)
It sounds to me like you've done an amazing job so far. I only have one baby to think about, but you have two! My fiance is working full time and going to school full time as well. I hear ya on being overwhelmed by that. But he's been great with whatever he's here for.
Breastfeeding isnt going so great. During delivery my daughters cord snapped on she lost alot of blood, which led to her having to get her throat and not sucked dry by some tubes. So shes really have issues with anything in her mouth. I've been expressing colostrum by hand and giving it to her with my pinky, but I feel like its not enough. My midwife said her blood sugar levels are great and shes been having poopy and wet diapers so I guess its doing the job for now. My milk has yet to come in though...but its only day two. I've been pumping to get my milk to come in but no luck yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I couldn't get Teresa to latch for the first day and a half of her life. Liana wouldn't latch or would only latch once in a blue moon for the first week or two after she was born because she'd been in the NICU on feeding tubes and then bottle-fed formula mixed with my pumped colostrum her first three days. I understand the baby aversion
( ... )
I was browsing a cloth diapering community and saw you there too. Mind if I add you? I need more young mamma friends :P
Oh God, I'm dying hahaha. Both my daughters have colic and it's impossible keeping up with their demands when they both want me ALL THE TIME. My husband works full time and is finishing his senior year of college, so I'm here by myself 80% of the time or so. Not fun. I don't know how people who have triplets or more do this, I'm going nuts.
How's breastfeeding going for you? I can help with minor problems; it seems we've hit at least 2/3 of the stupid beginner's problems one can have (being that there are two babies, I guess I can see how this happened haha).
I love my little girls - I just wish I were more the maternal type naturally. But I'm getting there :)
Breastfeeding isnt going so great. During delivery my daughters cord snapped on she lost alot of blood, which led to her having to get her throat and not sucked dry by some tubes. So shes really have issues with anything in her mouth. I've been expressing colostrum by hand and giving it to her with my pinky, but I feel like its not enough. My midwife said her blood sugar levels are great and shes been having poopy and wet diapers so I guess its doing the job for now. My milk has yet to come in though...but its only day two. I've been pumping to get my milk to come in but no luck yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
We can become great mothers together,lol.
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