Aug 19, 2005 17:02
Molly's Interview...
1. Are slowpokes better in your mouth or on our porch? On the Porch.. I actually dont think I even ate one.. Bit O Honey's are my thing ;)
2. Who is a better kisser, david or ryan rossi? Well since I havent even kissed Ryan Rossi in like 5 years lol I'd have to go with David?.. But ya never kno!
3. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I don't do too many crazy things cuz I need to get outta my house way more but I guess just doing like stupid crazy things with my friends like driving by peoples houses... and on the few occasions that I've gotten drunk, becoming a huge whore :D Loll thats always crazy.
4. What is your #1 goal for this next year? My #1 goal is too NOT stress out and have the most fun I possibly can.
5. What is your most memorable moment w/ or of me? I would probably say last year before David's camp party cuz I met you at your house be4 we went and I got to meet some of your family and stuff and we just chilled and it was funnnn. Other than that probably all our guy talks at camp LOl... I love you!!