TM: Freudian Slip (238)

Jul 10, 2008 14:14

[Freudian Slip]
Inspiration taken from a scene in S1 Heroes “.07%” where in order to produce an EMP blast instead of a nuclear blast, HRG tells Ted to think bright not hot. I took some liberties since the EMP is blue and thought cold instead of bright. vote4nathan is used with permission

He doesn’t mean to do it but they’re sitting on the couch watching TV and he’s zoning out even though it’s a BSG s4 marathon. He can’t concentrate on anything lately and his powers have had a way of phasing in out of their own accord. He knows it’s because he’s not concentrating, because his mind is all over the place. It’s also because there’s no one around to care whether he gets it right or not. There’s no reason to ‘get it right’ so if the tea kettle on the stove flies across the room at random or he phases through the fridge door, it doesn’t really matter. Nathan just quirks an eyebrow at him, Peter shrugs and they go back to what they’re doing. The only one Nathan cares that he controls is the invisibility and the radiation. He shorted out the TV one day. They bought a new, bigger one. So he’s sipping a beer, not paying attention even though Six is on the screen, when the thought crosses his mind. At first he almost dismisses it, thinking its one of his own but then the entire room screeches to a halt. His breathing catches and his gaze flies to Nathan.

I can’t believe she’s going on a date already. It’s too soon but it’s not, not for her and that’s what’s important. Peter’s going to be hurt if he finds out. He can’t find out. He just-she’s not coming back this time. I thought she would. I thought she’d take her time and…She’s really not coming back to him

It starts the same way it always does; hands glowing and the heat inside making it hard for him to breathe. Nathan doesn’t say anything just grabs Peter’s arm and rushes him to the roof but he can see the terror in his brother’s eyes coupled with something else that’s bigger than dread.

Think cold. Think Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold

It starts in a ripple, pouring off him in a wave, like a boulder dropped into a lake. Cold shivering out, rippling around him and bringing darkness with it. Alarms scream, people panic and windows shatter into dust. It’s so cold his bones ache with it and his skin prickles. A scream is ripped from his throat along with the power and in its wake he is left exhausted, crumpled on the rooftop like a discarded toy.
The next morning he will call the hospital and tell them he’s available as a home hospice care nurse. They’ll arrange a patient for him within days. She’s moving on with her life and he has to as well.


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