badcompany_muse June

Jun 28, 2008 23:24

It hurts and he only has himself to blame. He’s on the top of the Empire State building in the middle of the night and he’s got Tex with him but no one would ever know either one of them were up there. Peter’s gone invisible and he’s stayed that way since Sasha called the wedding off.

He knows he should have told her when the powers first started resurfacing but he remembers what it felt like to burn and to explode. He remembers what it felt like to hold Nathan in his arms and know that he’d nearly killed his big brother and he can imagine what it would be like if he’d hurt Sasha instead. Not to mention she was so happy-they were so happy when he was normal. She turned down his marriage proposal when he had powers but she accepted when she thought he was normal. And he’d tried to be normal for her. He hadn’t snagged the remote from across the room without ever leaving the chair. He hadn’t phased through doors because it was easier. He hadn’t gone flying just for fun. He’d been normal for her.

And then he’d lost control. He’d gotten angry and he’d gotten scared and he’d lost control. Then he’d lost her.

Now he was tired of trying to be something he wouldn’t ever be. Something he didn’t even want to be unless it kept her with him. He was just going to disappear. And now he had powers that would allow him to do just that.

[comm] bad company muse

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