So much not right I don't even know where to begin [RP for daughter_ofevil]

Feb 28, 2008 20:20

Peter went out for his morning jog. It was the way he started out almost every morning. Sometimes he took Tex with him and sometimes he left the dog sound asleep on his back, feet in the air at the foot of the bed. This morning had been one of those mornings. His jog always ended up with him in town at the coffee shop. He bought two cups of coffee ( Read more... )

sasha, rp

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daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 03:25:07 UTC
Sasha had spent the day worrying herself sick. She always knew to expect Peter home before she went to work, and when he didn't make it back in time or answer his cell phone, she knew something was wrong. In spite of what had happened before, she knew better than to think he'd just disappear on her. Things were different now; so different that even in the case of a serious emergency, she expected him to get in touch with her as soon as he could.

Her first call to work had been to tell them that she was going to be late. When it hit noon and there was still no sign of Peter, she'd called again to tell them that she wouldn't be in at all. Technically, those were the only two calls she'd made all day to someone other than Peter, but she'd thought about making at least fifty more. The only reason why she'd restrained herself was out of fear of making a bigger mess by panicking right away.

So she'd still panicked, she'd just done it privately in the comfort of their home--a home that wasn't so comforting when she and Tex were the only ones in it. And to top it all off, the useless feeling she used to get when Peter was afraid of exploding was back again. She hated knowing that the most she could do was wait, and hope, and pray.

When she heard a car pull up she was immediately out the door to see if it was Peter, and she let out a heavy, shaky breath when she saw finally him stick his head out of the cab. She stopped in her tracks as she got a closer look at him, her eyes filling with tears and a hand covering her mouth to quiet a broken cry. He was back but he was hurt, and as much as her instincts told her to go throw her arms around him, she was afraid to.

In the year that they'd been together, she'd never once seen him hurt. Now he was bruised and bloody, and she had no idea what to say or do other than thank God that he was there at all. The whole thing made her feel dizzy and breathless, and for a moment she was sure she was going to pass out. She knew she was crying, she could hear it and she could feel it, but the only thing she could think of was the injuries that came into focus as he approached her.

She knew she should try to close the distance between them, but she just couldn't bring herself to move.


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 03:50:11 UTC
Peter felt like the ass end of something really ugly. He'd gotten used to the whole regeneration thing, took it for granted even. Now that he didn't have it, he was probably particularly whiny. okay no probably about it. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Sasha and then felt incredibly guilty when he realized she was crying. He moved toward her and put his arms around her. "Shhh, I'm okay," he told her quietly.

Technically, it was a lie. He was as far from okay as he'd been in a long time but he would live and that's what she needed to hear right now.


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 03:56:05 UTC
"You're hurt," Sasha told him, burying her head in his shirt and clinging to him gently. She was scared to do more than that and would be unless he told her otherwise, especially because she couldn't tell if he was hurt anywhere other than his face. "You didn't come home and you--" she took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself down. "I was worried about you."


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 04:14:58 UTC
"I'm sorry," he told her quietly. "Come on. Let's go inside and I'll get cleaned up, put something frozen on my eye and I'll tell you what happened."


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 04:17:23 UTC
Sasha pulled back and nodded, reaching down to take his hand. She bit her lip as she noticed his knuckles were scraped turned back towards the house with him, starting in slowly. "I'll help you."


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 04:29:33 UTC
Peter winced when her hand inadvertently brushed against his knuckles. He nodded and swallowed hard as they walked into the beach house together. He didn't push it because his whole body was sore. They went over to the freezer and Peter got out some shaved ice that Sasha used when they made margaritas. He put it in a plastic baggy and held it to his eye.


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 05:28:08 UTC
"Let's get you into the bedroom. You can lay down and I'll clean you up and get out the first aid kid, okay?" Sasha suggested quietly, reaching over to take the ice bag and carry it with them into the bedroom. She figured she could take care of him in there once he got comfortable, if comfortable was even a possibility for him. "We can talk about what happened in there."


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 16:41:42 UTC
Peter nodded, still in some sort of disbelief or shock that this was even happening at all. His powers were gone. He couldn't read Sasha's mind any more than he could read the cabbie's and the bruises and cuts on his face and his body still weren't healing, no matter how clear an image of Claire he had in his head. He sat down on the edge of the bed looking throughly defeated and completely depressed. Tex walked up and shoved his head under Peter's hand, whimpering slightly. He wasn't used to seeing or smelling Peter hurt. He never had been in Tex's life.

"I need to call Claire and make sure she's safe."


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 17:06:48 UTC
"Okay," Sasha nodded and quickly moved into their bathroom, pulling the first aid kit out from under the sink. Then she got the plastic basin out of the closet and filled it with warm water, and grabbed a washcloth and a towel before bringing everything back into the bedroom and setting it all down on the bedside table. "You should lay down first."


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 18:21:28 UTC
Peter nodded, agreeing with her assessment. He felt like crap and he was still lightheaded from whatever it was they'd injected into him. He laid down slowly and looked over at Sasha. He knew at this point he was stating the obvious but he needed to tell her anyway.

"They're gone...all my powers. I had to take a cab here and...I hurt."


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 18:28:30 UTC
It was what Sasha had expected, but it still threw her off to hear it. "I'm sorry," she whispered quietly, ringing out the washcloth and beginning to dab gently at the blood and dirt on his forehead. "How?"


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 21:59:52 UTC
He winced when she touched the cut on his eye. Everything hurt more than he remembered it hurting. "I was bringing coffee out and they caught me off guard. I couldn't use my powers...that guy that dampens powers was somewhere near by. They stuck a needle full of something in me and banged me up. I woke up and tried to fly here. Couldn't."

He held his arm out where she could see the bruise in the crook of his elbow and the obvious injection site.


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 22:19:15 UTC
"Shit," Sasha said worriedly, looking down at his arm with a sigh. She was afraid to touch anywhere near there, so she stuck to cleaning the rest of his cuts and scrapes instead. "Sorry, I know it hurts. I'm trying to be careful."


mybrothershadow February 29 2008, 22:43:43 UTC
"It's okay," Peter said quietly. He breathed evenly and deeply, trying to keep himself calm. "I know you're trying."


daughterof_evil February 29 2008, 23:19:47 UTC
"I hate hurting you," she whispered, carefully cuffing his sleeve to take care of his shoulder. "What do we do now?"


mybrothershadow March 1 2008, 00:55:13 UTC
Peter sighed at that and stared up at the ceiling. "I don't know," he answered honestly. "I need to make sure Claire knows that there are people out there doing this and that she stays safe. Beyond that...I was a normal person once before...I guess I try to go back to being like that. Maybe talk to Mohinder and see what he knows."


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