
May 24, 2009 15:49

[What do you have to lose?]

Exposed!Future Peter

Muscles gather, tensing at the back of his neck. Peter pushes on, snagging the cap and pulling it as far down on his head as he can to hide his eyes. He doesn’t have a choice and he’s long past lamenting that. He’s traced all the options, gone down every path and seen how they all turn out. This is the only way and he hates it but freedom to make selfish decisions are for people who haven’t accumulated the staggering number of mistakes he carries around.

His shoulders don’t hunch under the weight of what he must do. There’s no place for the whipped puppy here. Numb is the order of the day because if he thinks, if he pauses to remember that this is Nathan before he was lost then he’ll never follow through. He has to follow through; for his future, for Nathan’s, for Claire’s…for the entire world.

“Come on, Pete,” Nathan chuckled then took a sip of his beer. “When are you going to learn? I’m your big brother. I’m always right.”

“You couldn’t have known. You talked to her all of five minutes,” Peter smirked, taking a sip of his own beer.

“Peter, it’s me,” Nathan insisted. “I know women. Especially blondes and you can’t trust them. Now let me hear you say it.”

Peter rolled his eyes but he couldn’t stifle the chuckle. “You’re always right.”

“I’m always right what?” Nathan continued to prod, lips spreading in a wide grin.
“You’re always right, Mighty Master Nathan.”


The sound of the gunfire shatters the memory, his arm vibrating from the weapon’s kick. Peter doesn’t stay to see his brother fall and he focuses his mind on what he has to do now. There’s still so much to fix because Big Brother isn’t always right and it was always the brunettes Peter had problems with.

[verse] exposed, [prompt] truth or dare, [season] 2

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