For couples_therapy

Mar 24, 2009 15:07

[Do you make enough time for your partner?]

Sasha daughterof_evil ganked with permission and love

The sound of the door clicking closed makes him jump so suddenly he comes several feet off the bed, nearly colliding with the ceiling.

“Surprise?” Sasha said as she stepped further into the room. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” She had on a bright pink wig this time. Peter was pretty sure she liked having the opportunity to pretend she was Sydney Bristow. He grinned crookedly at her in response.

“I shouldn’t have let my guard down,” he responded as he landed lightly next to her. He leaned over and kissed her.. Once a week, on Friday, regardless of how crazy everything in their lives are, they met here. It was their date night and Henry’s night to stay with Aunt Laura and Uncle Tony.

“We’re pretty safe out here,” Sasha commented. “I think you’re allowed. Besides, it’s date night. Relaxing is mandatory.” Her hands went to his shoulders, rubbing as she said it.

Peter let his head hang, eyes sliding close as he leaned into her. “I missed you,” he told her.

“Come home,” she said. It wasn’t a demand or a request either of them took serious anymore. They both knew that he couldn’t. Not now. Not yet. It was a demand she made just to let him know, she still wanted him with her.

He kissed her forehead and started to tug the pink wig off only to be stopped by a glare and her hand over his.

“I always wanted to try pink hair.” That was her way of informing him that she intended to keep the pink hair the entire night.

He chuckled and gave up, his hand moving to the curve of her neck. “Alright. I guess I can live with being married to a stick of cotton candy,” he teased.

“You better. I brought Italian from the place around the corner you like.” She moved over to the table where she’d abandoned her bags. She was always bringing him something, money, clothes, food, books or pictures of Tex and Henry.

“Mmm, I love you,” Peter purred as he grabbed her hand and tugged her (and the Italian food) over toward the bed.

“Of course you do. I’m hot and I feed you. Why wouldn’t you?”

“Good point,” Peter agreed. He sat down while Sasha doled out food then sat beside him.

Once they’d both gotten settled and eaten a couple of bites, Peter asked the same question they always started Friday night dinners out with.

“How’s Henry and Tex?”

There was never enough time on those nights, not to get it all in. He always hated leaving her and he counted the hours until Friday rolled around again. It wasn’t enough but it was what they could do. He promised himself every time he watched her walk away that he’d make up for it. Someday.

s3, couples therapy

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