Jul 07, 2004 02:02
i feel so selfish i sit here thinking of the person i am and relize i dont like me and i want to end it all but then i read my bestfriends journal and i cry its like all those times i think about me he is falling too and it hurts i feel so alone i can only think of how he feels i have my mom to talk to he has no one am i that selfish not to see that? i mean if i could i would be there every sec to catch ever tear that he cired i would give my life to make him smile i wish that i could be there with him but i cant but dose he even want me there? i dont know Michael you mean more to me then you will ever know i know that you feel like you are alone and physical that may be true but sweet emotional i am there with you in ever thing you do. every tear you cry i'm the wind that wipes your eyes and when you look up into the sky know that i'm there somewhere doing the same thing. Mikey i wish so much that i could take away all your pain and all the hurt that you feel it hurts me so much to see you or hear u this way i love you more then words can say and though we both have new friends that we hang out with and both live in diff citys you will still always be my bestfriend no matter what happens to us on the way.dont cry i'm with you don't cry i'm by your side dont cry i'm with you dont cry i'm by your side.
i love this kid alot and he means so much to me. he may not think much when we hangout or talk, but i dont take it for granted at all. im so lucky to have him in my life. he always gives it to me straight and i thank him for that. he has always been there for me when no one else has. i dont know where i would be without him.