(no subject)

May 14, 2006 17:27

um let's see. this weekend was fucking *$#)(*$#

can't really describe it at all.

friday night was nate's 18th birthday bash. jager bombs. shiiiit.

saturday was prom.

today was cute.

everything about nate is cute.

after school on friday we met up with nate/lana/mia and chillllllllled. :) it was great fun.

first picture ever taken in camille, annelise's new toyota camry!

my favorite girl ever. wearing my favorite boy's jeans. hahaha

vice versa

lana found treasure

oh how cute!

cat nap time! we had to be well rested for the festivities to come later on

obv there was a lot of resting

then martha called me and we talked for like an hour. awww i miss her so much. she's in australia right now but she's coming back june 1st!!! :D then i made cookies for nate's birthday (snickerdoodles) and we rolled out, met ben and drove to the house. the cookies went fast. so did the jager. i don't know how many bottles we started with but it was gone, me and nate finished it at 4 am :) hahaha. yessssss. ok so there's a lot from that night. bear with me here.


there were pictures of girls EVERYWHERE in this house. i was mildly turned on.

haha so flyyyy


yeah. i make this face when i hit a blunt too hard too.

snazzy stuff man


this picture is fucking awesome. i dunno how. but when im drunk i have weird photo skills. i don't know how hes the only thing not blurry. amazing.


haha i slept in this room

haha my boyfriend is so touchy feely its so cute

damn straight

haha i can already see annelise killing me for this one

mia does some funny shit in pictures. ahahaha.

i dunno this guy but he was pretty happy

yeah man.

aw i love it when my friends get along

and gaze into each others eyes longingly...

yeah ummm?


justin is what makes this picture


yeah. it happened.

oh man

did you bring your tickets for the gun show?

well shit son

hah, im the life of the party i swearrrr

it gets real hazy at this point


ummmmm i look fucking disgusting but there is no way i could NOT include this

youc an't really tell what's going on here adn i don't know if you want to. just know there was whipped cream involved.


apparently no one but me thinks this is fucking adorable.

ok so then all day saturday i spent on my dress. and then danced it up at prom. note: i look fucking disgusting in all of these. oh my god.

classic weaver portrait

oh god you could see my bra the entire time.

nate and his beautiful sister

me and tiny little katy. she made her own dress too.

we had all kinds of fun w/ that flower

i am so done with my fucking face for like a year after that.

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