
Sep 11, 2008 16:54

Life is entirely to complicated for my own good right now...

I have to deal with the mugging and thats going alright i'm starting to feel more comfortable, not nesscerily more safe.  Karen is awesome so far i like her so things are working out well on that front.  I am very happy that amanda has looked into and found someplace to go although it sounds like she might not be clicking with who she found but in time i'm sure she will, and until then were there for each other and its awesome.  I am so lucky to have found the core group that i did and i concider myself lucky.  The mugging unfortunatly had to open my eyes to other things, and i'm dealing with that to.  maybe some kind of action is going to have to take place i'm thinking about it but in the end i'm 100% done with the situation answers are all i would really like to have.

moveng on from that like we don't have enough on our plate a friend that i met through amanda this summer has tried t comit sucide now two times in the last four days.  and its getting the point where it is so draining. I feel bad for my friend and never want to see anyone hurt themselves, but what he is doing to  my friend is totally unexceptable.  she is getting dragged into it and she has enough on her own plate without all this.  so finally last nigh ti heard her say that she was done so alls i can do now is try and help her out.   in this instance there is totally something called being to good of a person.    But she promised whe wouldn't go see him and is now going to jersey for a bit.

Whatever is going on with my father needs to stop like now...

On a brighter note...

Amanda Sam and I are going on a serious camping trip over fall break.  We are going on a four day trip through the mountains.  It is going to be so great.  out with my two great friends, and nothing but some cloths and stuff.  no cell phone, no computers no civilazation it is going to be great.  Being on mountains, finding waterfalls, sleeping in a tent, making fires, and NOT telling ghost stories.  I cannot wait.   on that note if anyone has a backpack or anything that can go with out for a bit and i can barrow shoot me a comment of email...that would be great.

I'm done
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