Jun 28, 2005 02:23
I am the biggest wimp when it comes to scary movies. I cannot handle any sort of suspense. I get so tense its amazing I dont have a stroke or something. We watched White Noise tonight. It pretty much sucked but still managed to scare the crap out of me. Whenever I look at Micheal Keaton I can think of nothing but Beetlejuice (sp?)
A friend of mine predicted that I would have my baby on June 27th. June 27th came and went with nothing more than the usual aches and pains. Booo! I know that wanting to have it a month premature is not a good thing to wish for but man oh man, I hate being pregnant. And I dont like the idea of it growing more and more every day when we all know how it has to get out of there. Eeek!
Ok, I'm off to bed. I hope another thunderstorm doesnt wake me up again. The thunder and lightening woke me up last night and it scared the shit out of me. I thought there was bombs going off outside or something. I was all disoriented and half asleep. Then I saw the rain and just went back to sleep. Anyways, goodnight.