Dec 04, 2004 21:05
Wooooo! So I take my Spanish final this week and then finish up all the other finals the following week. Then X-MAS BREAK! YAAAAAWHOOOOO! Sweet! I can't wait! Anyway, I have a dinner to go to on Saturday which I'm looking forward to, and I have to perform before that. I'm absolutly excited about this. It will be fun! My family isn't going because of whatever else....... It is $20 per person...which is a lot, but oh well. Hopefully I get to test for my next belt, but I don't know if I'm ready. lol. It's going to be hard. So I'm a dork....I watched a movie and took notes on the moves that were really awesome! So I never forget! *dies of laughter* They are really awesome moves, however, some are really hard. Anyway, that would be the update. Cya!