it's been some time

Dec 12, 2005 22:02

There have been (since last time i spoke out) many things worth mentioning. If i could sum it up fastly i would do so now. Now is when i tell you i can't do that, and i'm sorry. Right now i can't dive into these (things) mainly because i wanna really say it. Not just so you can read it and get it, but more or less explore it. I'd like to mention how much i hate the word "it", even more so than "random". If i can't think of a nice-er way to put it, i wouldn't say "mother fuckin snaps". Over-all and as best shortened as i can make it right now here's somebody elses words that have never felt true-er. "the generous world suggest generous living". not only that but the whole give and take mindstate he imp-lies. gradual-lee im thinking He holds a deeply intregal perspective (and that maybe has worthy spirits held underneath)

So on to more.

This afternoon in thr NMHS library i found (on a computer you see) out The Game has a website, and its name is Maybe that's not exactly it, i dont know, but i do know that i giggled.
Also, tank tops are mad gree-zee, it feels like youre arms walked away for a better time.

Casually but incredibly "inside" excited about my new family, and the world-lee gifts they promised to show me. They have the most welcome-ing faces and the illest speach.Cross our fingers it goes all the way to the next 10 years (when i grow up and start reading fader).

#4 is some what half way through. I can't for sure say because i haven't decided how many pages it will contain. I know i'm going to have a hard time on its cover. So far its insides are working out, and i feel like i'm coming to realizations that i don't understand, if that's possible. It's good news though, so "I am only here for the rest of the time, that anyone else wants to stay along, and fend off woozy"

the list can and eventually will go on, viva la revolucion! or something similar.
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