Mar 18, 2005 21:46
Well, I already got over what happened with the stoner, even though I said I wouldn't.. Hah... I forget everything so easily. I don't hold grudges. I love that about me.. If I argue with someone I expect the next day to be a clean slate and just to act normal as usual. I don't want the friendship all tense and dull after a petty argument. It's stupid. You just have to get over it and move on.. Not remember it and use it against someone in a later argument. I'm glad Em's like that 'cause we can argue our lungs out but we know that we're only letting off steam and releasing all the anger we have inside us. It's not like we hate one another. I love that about her. It's so cool.
Why can't everyone be the same? Grr. Emma's the only person I know who's like me... She rules.