profile for sorting_hat rp

Jun 23, 2020 07:48

Player Information
Name: Vi
Timezone: -4:30 Caracas time
Personal Journal: iciclefall
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: apotatohat
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Battler Ushiromiya; dreadof
How did you hear about us?: magic

Character Information
Name: Eríkur Vikingstad
Canon Origin/Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
School Year: 4th
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Out of school living location: Yorkshire, England
Blood status: Unknown

Personality: Eríkur, could simply be described as having an icy exterior, with a fiery interior. He could easily be compared to an awkward teenager, which is normal, because that's exactly the period that he's in right now. But he tries not to let people see that awkward side, trying to hide it behind a serious face, doing his best to not show many emotions, and always acting like as if he was more mature than his age. But sometimes this doesn't always work to his favor, sometimes showing an embarrassed expression, or his temper boiling over, as to what he thinks is just acting childish. In the strips it's shown that it embarrasses him doing childish things, especially when his brother insisted Eríkur to call him "big bro", along with all the other Nordics bugging him about it.

Due to his awkward teenage-ness, he is pretty bad at opening up to people. He can have some small talk with most, but to get him to open up is a whole different story. He doesn't really let himself open up to many people, and his friends are pretty counted, since gaining his trust is pretty hard. He is also eternally awkward when it comes to physical contact... he really likes his personal space. These reasons may just be why he tries to distance himself from the people he's not close to. But if one is Iceland's friend, then it's just a bit different, since he is slightly more relaxed, and opens up just a bit more easily. He won't wear his heart on his sleeve, but he won't be completely reserved to himself. He really isn't one to judge over blood status and treats them all the same. Even so, inside, he is quite judgmental and passionate about certain subjects.

There is also something characteristic about Iceland's inner self, and that is that he is as stubborn as a mule, sometimes showing as blind determination, which isn't always the best thing to have. Even so, he doesn't like confrontation, and will most likely do anything to avoid it. Even so, as mentioned before, he does have a temper, and even though he tries to keep a lid on it, acting as cool and deadpan as possible, there's a point where his temper boils to the point of just exploding, almost like a volcano, though it happens rarely. His temper is more usually shown through his sarcasm, in a passive-aggressive sort of way.

Eríkur is pretty dedicated to his studies, and is a very quick learner, even more with the subjects he does like. He likes to read, mostly anything, really. He's well-mannered with strangers, and has a soft spot for animals, especially birds.

Canon Background: Iceland, in the series, doesn't have much canon to hold on to, other than a few gag comics. In the first comic where he appears, a micro-nation named Sealand finds him on eBay, and since Sealand was also being held on auction at that time, he told Iceland to call him 'Senpai'. Iceland also appears in a comic where all the Nordics are designing/making/selling/criticizing toys, and well, Iceland is just there, not really participating in any, most likely being the tester. In the other strip, he discovers that he is Norway’s biological younger brother, and the Nordics are bugging him so that he calls Norway ‘Older bro’, much to his dislike.

In his profile, it’s been mentioned that he is currently going through an economic crisis, and is getting help from Russia, but he is weary of him.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): Erikur never knew his parents. For the first two years of his life he lived in an orphanage, though ever since he could remember, he was raised by his grandmother and grew up together with his brother. While they live in Iceland, Erikur was never really told much about his family, other than the fact that he wasn’t a human like them. Maybe it was that that made the poor boy slightly more reclusive than a normal toddler. But he knew that he wasn’t the same as Lukas, since the older brother would sometimes talk about how he had seen some magical beings. Beings that Erikur just couldn’t see, no matter how bad he tried. His grandma would try to console him, saying that not everyone had the gift to see the creatures that normally hid from everyone. When he was four, and his grandmother out of the blue moved them out of the small village, he was sad. So to cheer him up, his grandmother gave him a puffin, which became his real first friend.

Even so, in Yorkshire, they were both enrolled in elementary school. Erikur was the shy kid at school, and he wasn’t exactly the most social. In fact, his friends were few enough to be counted with one hand. It was from a mix of his own social awkwardness and himself trying to be more mature than the others, trying to act like his older brother. A few times, he met up with Norway’s annoying friend, who to the small Erikur just seemed like a really loud and annoying kid.

Even so, unlike his older brother, his magical abilities didn’t seem to show, not even on accident. This worried their grandmother, almost to the point that she was doubting if she had adopted the right kid. It was odd, and it got to the point that he was also worrying that he wasn’t all that normal. Especially since his grandmother used magic, and his brother already showed magical skills. He thought that maybe he didn’t have that magical ability, or as his grandmother said it, a Squib. Even so, it just made him look up to his brother more, since he was the one that already had shown his magical ability. Even at school, Lukas was one of Erikur’s few friends, even after he left for Hogwarts.

And when he was 10, a year before he would get accepted into Hogwarts, everyone’s fears of him being a Squib were squashed when he accidentally turned a flower into a sewing needle. He was more or less relieved that he wasn’t all that different than his family. On a social level though, he wasn’t really the most social person outside of the family. He seemed to be shy by nature, and those first few years that He In turn, he did become quite the avid reader, reading any kind of book, and listening to any stories that his grandmother told him, some of these being about his parents. Strangely, since they were different every time she told them, so it didn’t clear up any of his questions about his past. A few times he would even wonder if his mother knew where he and Lukas was.

And then on his eleventh birthday, the letter of acceptance to Hogwarts arrived. He was happy, for the most part, but at the same time, he was worried about going to a new place. Even so, he left to Hogwarts, and for the first four years, he’s done well academically, but somewhat bad on the social side. His friends were few, and because of that, he just tried to be as self-sufficient with his school life as he could. Compared to his brother, he wasn’t a genius at magic, but he was quite a good student anyways. He gets good grades at most of his subjects, and tries not to get into too much trouble.

How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Erikur’s courage doesn’t exactly show much. He’s not the type of person that will just save any person that he just finds on the street. In fact, if one gave him a flight or fight choice, he would most likely go and fly faster than his puffin. Even so, it does show up every once in a while, especially in situations where he knows that he can’t run away, and that no, he won’t get saved. In other words, he’s not exactly the bravest person either. He will try to put up a brave act for a while, before his flight instincts kick in, for the most part. Sometimes, his stubborn determination will bring in a bravery that is sometimes just a bit too stupid and reckless.

Ravenclaw: This would most likely be Erikur’s best option. Iceland, while not a genius student, he is pretty smart, and mostly since he doesn’t have many friends, he tends to spend more of his time doing homework or simply studying. He’s a pretty curious person, so sometimes he might study more than usual. He’s not exactly the most creative of people, but his wit is most obviously there, in the form of not so very subtle sarcasm. In fact, sarcasm is probably his 3rd language (after English, and Norwegian)

Slytherin: Erikur isn’t always the most resourceful guy, but he does try in his quest to be self-sufficient, and sometimes it does show. Ambitious, but mostly to himself, and even though he doesn’t want to really be, he is more of a follower than a leader.

Hufflepuff: Erikur, while not totally brave or courageous, is a very loyal person, especially with his few and close friends and family. He’s not the type of guy to lie either (since he’s terrible at it), so he is a pretty honest person, for the most part. He…is not really tolerant though….especially when it comes to arguments, since he tries so hard to be right. And he’s quite the sore loser afterwards.

Sample Journal Entry: Hm, it seems that I finally was able to find my journal. I actually thought that it was lost for good. I guess this time I’ll just pay more attention to where I put my things...

. . .

Also what’s this demon cat drawing that was on the journals that everyone was talking about? Why would anyone even cause so much noise about a drawing? I don’t understand. It’s just a drawing.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Erikur sat in one of the armchairs in the Common Room. It was quiet, and possibly one of the few times he would get a bit of peace. He glanced at the table where a parchment, a quill and a bottle of ink were placed there, ready to be used. He should start doing his homework, shouldn’t he? He always found transfiguration homework easy, so he didn’t really find it much trouble.

Right when he was going to pick up the quill though, he accidentally knocked over his journal. When he picked it up, he saw that the page it was on was some….sort…of demonic cat drawing? ‘Is that some sort of cat?’ Thought Erikur, raising an eyebrow. He flipped the pages, seeing the commotion that was being made because of it.

“So this is what everyone’s been talking about….hm. I don’t get it…it’s just a drawing.” He muttered to himself. He sometimes couldn’t get some of the things that they got so excited about. Well, he couldn’t help to admit that the spinning head was a bit funny; but still.

“Ah, I forgot. I have to work on this…” The teen muttered to himself, and closed the journal, placing it beside him. He quickly picked up the quill and the parchment, and began to write his essay.


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