On this day January 13th 1985...

Jan 13, 2009 17:02

Today is kats birthday, I went to the cemetary to pay my respects and cry a little. I left a display of a sugar skull for her. I miss her to this day and no one will ever match who she was to me. It is hard to continue moving forward sometimes.

On saturday morning I lost a friend of mine to cancer yet again. I will be going to florida to help spread ashes sometime soon. I will be wearing my Livestrong bracelt and I will never forget how hard the battle really is.

There is no cure for mutated cells, there is only treatment, even the healthiest person can get cancer and its luck of the draw if or bodies can beat it. I used to not have any fears in my life, slowly i fiund myself wanting cancer screens and a nuclear fallout shelter.

what does any of it matter the world will end in 2012 anyway right?
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