Nov 07, 2004 15:32
I'm bored today, well let's see what have i accomplished this weekend... oh right, nothing! on friday we had our first BH dance of our grade 12 year, and it wasn't bad at all...maybe if we had more gr.12's. Oh well. Then a couple of us went back to cheryl's. On our way to her house, some teenage guys on broadway were driving in this shitty old car, one of them was super drunk, he was hanging out the window talking to Lauren and I while he was drinking juice, he kept yelling out the window that he loved juice, and this was a point in time where i came to the conclusion that he was a freak, and i quickly caught up to Cheryl and Whittney. The creepy part was when we were commenting on the guy's love for juice, a guy in the passenger seat was video taping us. hmm.. creepy? too bad he was a creep, he was hot. The sad part was that Cheryl's works with that guy...
We all stayed up till like 4 am, eating and talking, mostly eating, especially on my part. Our conversation opened my eyes a little about certain situations that i seem to be caught in. Thanks for that guys!
Saturday, i did some work, and then at night Whittney, Alex and I went to Garden State. We saw a guy that graduated from St.Pauls last year, and i guess that's the place where all the St'Pauls graduates end up. Anyways back to Garden State holy shit was that a funny and whitt had decided that if they could make money off of a movie like that, we would me millionaires. So we are in the process of deciding exactly what to do. Whitt and I will be the two dudes that are always stoned, it works, no? We also decided that Alex is going to be the main guy character, he looks stoned half the time too.
Sunday, well nothing by far. I woke up at noon, ate and did some french, cause we have a stupid french test tomorrow, and i've been listening to music all afternoon, currently i am listening to Nice Guys Finish Last by Greenday.. i love that song. Well im going to head off and maybe do something productive.
"My shallow heart is the only thing that's beating"