Aug 14, 2023 17:06
I was hoping to get enough rest this weekend, but I think before I go into a weekend I have to define what "enough" actually is. Is it sleeping in? I did that Saturday, but not Sunday. Is it freedom from responsibility for just a little while? I almost never get that, but James at least does a good amount to ease my burden at home. Is it laying about doing nothing? I did that most of the weekend; Saturday I couldn't make myself do much in anticipation of going out that night, and Sunday I was destroyed from accidentally drinking too much Saturday night.
We did download Baldur's Gate 3, so I will have another gaming outlet soon. We played Uncharted Saturday during the day, and again on Sunday. It's surprisingly well-made. A good gaming session goes a long way to making me feel rested.
I have an 8AM dentist appointment tomorrow. I don't wanna. Hopefully, they can smooth the back of my teeth though so I stop messing with them.
Tonight I will be doing the editing that I was too ill to do last night.
Oh, and COVID is on the rise again. Wear your masks, stay in, get the new booster when it comes out...