What was awesome?
Well, it's Restaurant week here this week, which means if you make a reservation on time, you can have a three course dinner in several well-known restaurants for € 25 instead of the regular price. My friend Berber (
speaktothevoid) had made a reservation for 3 people, and asked if Rij and I wanted to have dinner with her at CTaste, which is a dark restaurant. Unfortunately Rij couldn't come, because of her migraine. :(
The idea is, you enter into the lighted lounge, which you can see on the picture. You order, either the vegetarian menu, the fish menu, the meat menu (I ordered that), or the fish and meat menu (Berber ordered this one). You get a drink, someone tells you a bit about the concept, and you get introduced to your waiter, who is either blind or has somewhere between 5 and 15% vision. You grab your waiter's shoulders, the person you're with grabs your shoulders, and you get brought to your table. The waiters have little bells around their wrists, so you can hear when someone's near. He (or she) puts your hands on the back of your chair, and then you can try to sit down. We had ordered water, so we got a bottle of water and two glasses. "You can pour it yourselves." Ohshit. Right, put one finger in the glass to see when it's full. Try to put the bottle somewhere that is not right on your glass, or on the cap. It's difficult, you know.
And then.. food! Delicious, invisible food. Now what is this food? Poke around with a fork, try to cut the meat, while your fork apparently is not in that meat at all, decide to feel around with your fingers until you find out where to appropriately poke your fork. Put food in your mouth, or, in my case, usually put empty fork in mouth. Taste. Hmm. Salad. "Fruit!" Berber says. "No fruit!" says I. "But fruit!" "Not fruit!" And salad. Something bready and crunchy. And meat. What kind of meat? No idea.
Main course. Apricot. Plum. Couscous. And again, some meat. What kind of meat? I'm not good at identifying meat. Again, lots of empty forks in my mouth, because I refused to eat it all with my fingers. It was delicous.
Dessert! Poked around with my finger to find my plate, AAH, ice cream, cold, dammit. Ooh, whipped cream. A cookie like thing. And something crunchy. With pineapple. And some other fruit-like thing not quite identifyable. Quite delicious, though.
But WHAT HAVE I EATEN? When a waitress took us back to the lounge after dinner, we were told what our dinner had been..:
Apparently, there was fruit in the appetizer. I might have thrown it at someones head when I was waving around with my fork. Ah well. The meat was kangaroo meat.
Dinner meat was duck.
Dessert was coconut ice cream, which did not taste like coconut AT ALL, whipped cream with Baileys, and some pastry with pineapple and raisins. Things I would never have ordered, usually, but which all turned out to be very good.
I thought my eyes would get used to the dark at least a bit after a while, but they didn't at all. It was strange, and absolutely awesome. I definitely want to go there again some time in the future, it was a great experience!