*sneaks in after a month of disappear-ed-ness, and throws in some faceup photos before dashing off again!*
Life is busy >_> And that's about all I feel like saying. So, instead, look at all these faceups!
I finally wiped Adrienne, and have been trying out different things on her head before I paint her back to herself; the first experiment was with non-permanent modding, using acrylic heavy gel medium, and I got in the habit of the calling this pirate 'Morganne'
Next; Six, again. This time, I was asked to base the colors off the 'clean' side of the pirate faceup, for a slightly consumptive, Sweeney-Todd feeling. I'm pretty happy with the way he came out :3
And newest, another Adrienne-head experiment. This one, I'm thinking of as Ruby; she reminds me of a red fox.
...... *zooms away again!*