Okay, yes, Nio, your photos will be up later tonight or tomorrow morning, so QUIT BUGGING ME ABOUT THEM.
'S my journal and I'll post when I want to :P
Which is why I'm posting this, now XD Basically, I'm getting ready for
NaNoWriMo. I love NaNo, and with my plan in place, I'm feeling pretty ready and pretty phsyched :D I'll be starting a week from tomorrow, along with my fellow NaNoers. (If anybody else is doing it, I'd love to hear what you're doing! We can be writing/bithching buddies!) For mine, I'm writing Adrienne and Al's story--starting with Al's creation/arrival, and wrapping up at the last events before they arrived in the present time and place. They're going to switch off as narrators every chapter, and each chapter will cover one of the seven years included, but each year will be described twice--first told by Adrienne and then by Al. In order to take a break during Wendy-dear's vist (In 24 days!!! :DD *girlysquee*) my goal is to turn out 2,000 words per day, more when I can.
The point of all this is that I plan to post each chapter here in my LJ when I finish it ^^ BUT that should be about a chapter every 2 days if I'm on track, and that's like serious F-list spammination for those who aren't interested in reading it. Therefore, I'll be creating a special friendslock filter for NaNo chapters :) If you'd like to be on that filter, to read my NaNo as I go, please comment and tell me so on this entry! I'll probably post the intro public as a last chance to get on the filter, but the less I have to think about in November, the better!