Whee, Rant Time!

Aug 05, 2005 04:00

I'm alive! Whee! And after my long update absence, I'm sorry that I can't present you with anything better than bottled up rant I've been wanting to get out for a very long time! Please bare with me, everyone! I'll try to update with something productive later, I promise. *glomps*

Given that tomorrow is my dreaded "back-to-school" shopping day, I shall whine to you all about one my greatest pet peeves. Let me start off by saying, I don't really like to shop for a numerous of reasons, but this is what drives me up the wall more than anything else: OMFGIliketotallycantdoanythingwithoutmybofriend-shoppers.

You know, those girls who walk around in your tiny favorite store with no AC and heat the place up and crowd the tiny aisles by dragging along their boyfriend who obviously doesn't want to be there? The ones that pick up a top every five seconds and asks their boyfriend, "Is this sexy? I think it's sexy! Sexy?" and the poor man looks around bewildered, apathetic, and bored. The man could care less about what color embroidery looks best on your multi-tiered lace-trimmed sequined spray-washed distressed denim chiffon pleated mini skirt, oh-clingy-one. He just wants to get out of there. (I selfishly want him out of there, too, hehe! More room to move and breathe!) I don't think any man enjoys being dragged along into a woman's clothing shop. (Males on my friends list, do correct me if I am making an inaccurate assumption!)

Why does every girl think it's necessary to drag her boyfriend along with her shopping? Please taken ladies, hear my humble plea: either shop alone or bring another girl who wants to actually be productive in the store! Your boyfriend wants to go home and I got tired walking around the boyfriends of the past ten couples blocking everyone's way three whole steps ago. Please, think of the men. And people's personal space. And my sanity. :P

Does that ever bug any of you?
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