
Jan 14, 2004 16:28

Today I had a coveted Anners Super Burrito. All i have to say is mm mm good. Thanx to Jesse's kind hospitality I had lodgings before and after Anners. Thank u truly Jesse for being o so cool. Nath and Yanny also got LOTR figures which were very nice little tidbits. Nath got Gimli with super fast Masturbating action and Yanni got giant Legolas. At Jeese's we had a precussion Jam where I pretended to know what I was doing and sang Muslim folk songs. Also today Jics bought disgusting stale jujubees. After hearing everyone tell him they were awful he filled his mouth with them and spit them in my face slobber and all. They went down my coat and on mah face and it was icky and so not pleasent. Then at the Train stop I was being load and annoying as always and Jics didnt want me to make a scene so he hit me in the face. Then I got up and punched him in the face and his lip got stush to his braces. Sorry for that one Jics. He then Threw Jujubees at all the nice people on the train station bench and kicked me in el shins. Ahuahua. Sorry Jics.
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