well, this morning i definitely didn't want to get up. but i did anyway. because i am a responsible person and i need to open the lab for everyone else. and possibly because i don't want to have to call one of the student supervisors and say i need sleep and have him say 'too bad' and me be out in the cold because i can't lie and make up something...
well, i am supposed to look at
this web site. a friend reccommended it and i figure it should at least be interesting for a few minutes (if longer, i'll bookmark it and look later). the site is supposedly something like StrongBad Emails (from
Homestar Runner). We'll see.
i also need to email a friend of mine a list of all the folks whose birthdays i have that she doesn't...that could be interesting.
and of course, the daily download of homework...
analysis quiz tomorrow...gotta study a definition, a proof of a theorem, and application of said theorem.
linprog lindo programs...forgot about those...again. guess they'll wait until at least later this week...maybe next week.
numerical test tomorrow and project due monday...made progress on the project...not ready yet though.
quiz 2 soon in my intro to martial arts...all about injury prevention...fun. especially when you are prone to spontaneous injury outside the training room, have 'bad' ankles and strange hips.
i have this thing with at least one of my hips and maybe both where if i pull it this way and try to rotate the thing, it becomes extremely painful. at least i think that is how it happens, i honestly don't know until it happens and then i am in pain so i don't really pay that much attention to anything except how to make it stop.
tonight i have meeting and then i suppose bed shortly thereafter. at least i hope so. i am pretty tired already and this week is still on the early part yet...
lunch should be good though. fister and i will either both crash the math lunch or go somewhere else. and then i am either heading home for a nap or maybe visiting a class and then homework...we'll see. i may feel guilted in going to class this afternoon. i don't think it will make me any less stressed, so i am currently of the viewpoint that i should opt out today. hm... choices, choices.