Quizzy thing that I stole from Melanie

Jun 19, 2008 13:31

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks a lot?: Yes it does. He gets to be an idiot after he drinks too much. Drives me freaking nuts.

Do you still love your ex?: Not in the slightest.

Have you had alcohol this week?: Not yet. Around 7:30 friday night I'll be nursing a kamikaze.

Would you be able to tell someone you love them, even if you didn't feel it?: I don't know, maybe.

Do you like public displays of affection?: Nope. Military beat that out of me.

Do you still have feelings for your ex?: Nope.

Is there anything you don't tolerate while in a relationship?: Abuse, competitveness, clinginess.

Who is your last text message from?: I haven't had a text message in nearly six months.

Are you happy?: In a way sure.

Are you looking forward to anything?: Getting this damned website done. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!

Who do you miss?: Jimmy, Spacey, Dad, Mom, Ash, Sam, Melanie (I've never met you really BUT I MISS YOU!!!!)

What did you do today?: Worked.

How did your day start off?: Boring as hell.

When's the next time you will see the person you like?: Well, if Chief Brunson counts as someone I like, him and Ensign Bos, I'll see them around 0645 tomorrow. Jimmy I won't be seeing for another half year.

Are you waiting for something?: My website to osmosis itself done.

Are you happy with life?: Sure.

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?: Plenty of them.

Could you cry right now?: If I thought about it hard enough. Possibly.

Are you a jealous person?: If there's someone to be jealous over (meaning that I like said person) then yes I am.

If you could have one person with you right now, who would it be?: Don't make me choose! Any one at this point.

Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?: Nope.

Is there something you always wear?: Glasses.

What are you going to do after this?: Website.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?: Sure. If it works out that way.

When's the next time you'll see your closest friends?: HAH! Not for a while....

What were you doing this morning at 7am?: Trying not to fall asleep in weapons training.

What are you listening to?: I don't know yet...hold on.....AFI (Miss Murder)

Is there anything that you are craving right now?: Sleep.

Where are you right now?: Barracks room.

What do you need to be doing right now?: Website.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?: Maybe, if it works out that way.

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?: Nope.

Did you drink coffee today?: Nope. Monster works faster.

Honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?: Yep.

Honestly what color is the shirt you're wearing now?: Blue with the POP TARTS logo on it. Tasty good ^-^

Honestly, what's on your mind?: Website.

Honestly, what made you last cry?: I don't remember.

Honestly, did you watch Shot of Love with Tila Tequilla?: The who in the what now?

Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?: Me!

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?: No. I want my website to osmosis itself done.

Honestly, do you have deep secrets?:Yup.

Honestly do you like someone?: That too.

Honestly, what are you sick of?: Website. And dreaming in CSS code...

Honestly, what do you want right now?: Not concentrate on the website.

Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?: Quite possibly.

Honestly, who was the last person you imed?: I haven't.

Honestly, are you normally a happy person?: Yes.

Honestly, what is your greatest fear?: Heights. But I'm getting over that.

Honestly, do you lie to people? If it suits me or the situation, then yes I do.

Honestly, what would you do if you walked in on your GF/BF(cheating)?: Figure out the reason why, then depending on what the reason was would be my reaction to it. *shrug* I'm in the Navy, my whole concept of "cheating" has been turned upside down.

Honestly, if you could go back 3 months and change something would you?: Nah. Now, if I could go back to last week and change something, HELL YES I would.....

Honestly have you ever regretted letting someone go?: Nah.

Honestly is there anyone who doesn't like you?: A good number of them don't actually.

Honestly are you happier single or in a relationship?: Either, it doesn't really matter to me.

Honestly what were you doing at midnight last night?: Sleeping.

Honestly how late did you stay up last night and why?: 10 ish.

Honestly have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an B?: Nope.

Honestly have you ever flirted with a friends crush?: Probably.

Honestly when was the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: I haven't.

Honestly have you ever ordered from an infomercial?: No.

Honestly do you hate the last girl you were talking to?: No.

Honestly do you hate the last boy you were talking to?: No.

Honestly when is the last time you took a nap?: Kinnergarden. I miss naptime.

Honestly who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Chief Stamper.

Who the last person to physically hurt you?: Couldn't tell you.

Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?: Either.

Who else is in the room with you?: No one.

Are you listening to music right now?: Yup.

Ever kissed a blonde haired blue eyed person?: Yes.

What’s the worst way to say I Love You?: With your mouth and vocal cords?

Are you afraid of roller coasters?: Nah.

Honestly have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a T?:No.

Where is your mom right now?: Waynesville Ohio, probably at work.

Has anyone ever leaned in to kiss you and you pulled away?: Yes! Only to pick up the kiss again. It's so much more fun that way.

What is your current annoyance?: Website.

Look outside, how's the weather?: Sunny.

Do you like what you see in the mirror?: Depends. In the morning I don't like anything.

What are you wearing right now?: Clothes.

Did you talk to anybody random yesterday?: No.

How long is your hair?: Boy short like it's been for the longest time (sorry spacey!)

When was the last time you laughed really hard?: With Chief Brunson and ENS Bos.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?: Plenty of times.

What are you looking forward to in the next month?: Lifeguard class.

Who was the last person to call you while you sat and watched it ring?: No one ever calls me unless they have something wrong with their computer or they need something.....

Any plans for tonight?: Website >.
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