Year End Fandom Meme

Dec 28, 2012 18:50

Gakked from

Your main fandom of the year?
I have two distinct categories: fandoms I enjoy (although really shows more than fandoms because I don't do a lot of fandom stuff, just watch the shows), and the fandom I write. Because for some reason, I'm incapable of writing more than one fandom at a time. The fandom I write continues to be Danny Phantom. I don't know why nothing else has pushed it out of my writing brain, but all the other shows I watch I'm content to let them play out as they are. Danny I still want to write.

Shows I've been enjoying this year: How I Met Your Mother, Bones, Leverage (which just ended ::sob::), Doctor Who, and Castle.

Your favorite film you watched this year?
Probably Les Mis. It's the most recent and I can't remember what other movies I've seen this year. Oh! Wait! Avengers. Avengers and Les Mis.

Your favorite book read this year?
How bad is it that I don't read much anymore? I simply don't have the free time to both read and write, so I tend to write more than read. I hope to get back into it when the kids aren't living at home anymore, which might be only a few years away...

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Hm. NOt muich of an album listener. Songs go in and out. It's Christmas, so probably "Christmas Eve Sarajevo" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra right now.

Your favorite tv show of the year?
Oh, I love all the ones I've listed above.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Castle! Not really into the fandom, but have been enjoying the heck out of the show.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Honestly, up until the Christmas Special, Doctor Who. I was really bored with it this year. Moffet/Eleven just don't grab me the way Davies/Ten did. If it weren't for Rory, I'd probably have stopped watching, but now he's gone. (::sob:: - but he got a decent ending and wasn't separated with Amy, so I'm good with it.) But the Christmas special I found very intriguing, so I'm actually interested in what happens next for the first time in a couple of years.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
Character, it'll probably be Danny for a long, long time to come. I just adore him. And Rory from Doctor Who because he is seriously made of win.
Actor, Neil Patrick Harris. Yes, I know he's gay. Like THAT'S what's keeping us from being together. ;)

Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
Beckett from Castle. She's all kinds of awesome. Or maybe Parker from Leverage. I'm SO glad she got a good ending.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Uh, don't want to spoil it, but that thing Barney did in the last episode of How I Met Your Mother just before Christmas. Because, just, YES. SO Barney.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
I'm gonna miss Leverage. I'm really sad that one is over.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Modern Family? I don't know, I rarely look for new fandoms, I stumble across them.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
Finding out what happens at Barney's wedding. (They better go through with it! ::shakes fist threateningly at the sky::) And meeting the mother already. I'm actually sorry that they renewed another year, because I think they're at the point where it's time. So now I'm kinda torn between wanting to meet the mother at the end of this year and getting a year of seeing her and Ted together and being afraid of meeting her because DAMN it'll be hard to write someone as awesome as Ted has set her up to be and I don't want to be disappointed. It might be better to leave her mostly to our imaginations.

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