Oct 30, 2005 14:54

WELL it all strated one blustery afternoon ween alisa n mya decided to meet nick from face party, it was all arranged they were goin 2 lydiard park (lORD NOWS Y it seemed a gud idea at the tym). Now alisa nd mya being the jolly lazy shits they r had day riders (the day is anova story 4 anova tym).....So they hopped on da bus and got off one stop ....YES I SED 1 STOP l8r at 6:40 eXACTLY so there they were about 2 walk into lydiard park when all of a sudden they realised that it was scary n dark and they could go down it mya wakked out da fone and rang nikolas and fried and sed "yeeeee meet us at the residential st marys entrance its 2 dark dow there we will die" .... DA bois were lyk "yea ok but luk out 4 2 mad fings on bikes" alisa n mya were immediately worried.....they pictured that the lads were eitha

1) gunna cum inplastic yello reflective suits n helmets n lyk big ol' bands 2 b seen at nyt OR
2) they were gunna arrive on a tandon one of them bikes 4 two people.

There were a few false alarms and at one point a man flew past with a big old bag on that luked lyk anova person so we fort they actuali WERE ON a tandon. afta 20 minutes of waitin they were gettin impatient 2 say the least and the best plan seemed 2 b move about so they decided on sum laps lap one was up 2 a sign post and took roughly 7 minutes and lap 2 was down 2 da third lamppost which took 5 they completed this twicer and then rang agen LOL! the boy apparentl were there but they wernt bcuz we wer stood there we lukd about and then sudeenly in da distance a bike popped up WID REFLECTERS ON and a voice shouted "WERE OVA HERE" but only eagle eyes alisa saw it on da fone nik was shoutin "J COME ON KEEP GOINE" alisa n mya were more then concerned at this irratic behaviour but soon started up the scray fuk off hill using onli theitr fones 4 light! Suddenly the ligh increased and mya goes "alisa ur fone light is well gu" it turned out 2 be a car ROFL and mya felt a silli little man afta that!!!! so they reached the tioop and where half way thru a fukoff scary ally wen eagle eye alisa spotted 2 geeks on bikes...they did a bit of a u-turn n walked 2wards them shoutin as they did so!!

At forts the boys sed NOFFING and 2 say this pissd alisa n mya off is da undastatement of da year!!! so they started askin annoyingly random questions 2 break the ice and for a bit off a laff 4 example!::
" how old where u wen u 1st had sex?
do u have any condoms on u

do u talk EVA
wot size r u feet!

to break the ice we all swapped fones and had a bit off a gange at every1s fotos alisas n myas were mainly of them selves whereas jamies where of his cats :S Earlia that day mya and alis had been analysing a foto of nik gane and agen and we have now finalii established he luks totalli diffrent and uglia and kind of lyk colm in real life altho i must praise his teeth they r very nice LOL!!!!!!! we also established all jamie duz is sit ain the corner and giggle!!!! we decideed to move on a bit and walked down to the prinnels where a big hard girl was starin us out...mya and alisa were tlkin realli loudly and pointin to this house where they believed mike to live when on the way bak 2 lydiard they realised that the hard girl was on the fone 2 a girl in dat house and she was mean and scary n we were qalkin wid sum complete geeks hu kept sayin she luked lyk a geek wen she was blatently harder then the, we hightailed it up ltydiard where we were folowed by a big reu and mya and alisa weher SCARREEDDDDD but they went downthe scary fukk off alley and went to the shops

At the shops there was a mior debate about hu this hole things fault was as we were all scared the end it was decided thta it was myas ans niks fault entirelly and they seemed 2 accept thatso we were happy all round ...THEN we wandered out of lydiard park past sum people in a car (wonder ow they wre doin) n down 2 sum farm thing...on da way mya fell in a ditch and it her own words she sez
.!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
we were walkin 2wards le farm
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
way ahead of u n da uva boi
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
and we were all like aaaaaaa and den suddenly
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
we both fell down this fuk off ditch thing
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
and i grabbed on 2 nick and down he went more
... LiL LaDeE hOLt... new numba 07940258622 says:
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
and got r selves up and i sed NO ONE SAW DAT and u n jamie laffed
!"·#·$47.ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ׺°”˜`”°º×·$29 P R Ï Ñ Ç Ë § § M ¥ À ·$47°×º°”˜`”°º×ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ·$1 says:
the enedalisa wanted 2 herd sum sheep but thort against it.....and then DURN DURN DURN MYA GOT WITH NICK .....alisa was shokked and horrified but kept composed in the face of evil mya shouted out 4 her 2 get wid jamei so she complied she sed "i wonder if they r fukkin" and jamie went "well it will b his firdst tym if they r " ALISA WAS MORE SHOKKED AND IMMEDIATLEY TEXT MYA mid snog..........they heard the text music go off and then mya wakked out her fone she read the mesage and wen nik tried 2 luk she concealked it cleverly behind her hand LOLOLOL! alisa wet herself laffin 4 abit and then mya told nik wot it sed he denied it but they alll new it was tru....there was a bit off a bitchfest on which boi wud give da most gossip about each otha but they were 2 gay 2 play!!!! suddeyl jamie goes i fink a cars cumin cuz a light hand cum on and then nik grabbed mya and ran SUM1 WAS CUMIN OUT 2 SHOUT AT US ....mya stood there lyk a dork 4 a bit confused and then realised and ran 2 b part of da crowd meanwhile alisa had lost her shoe on the way and was forced 2 hop bak 2 retrieve it while jamie laffed at her..... s they went bak into lydiard and jamie and alis managed 2 scare themsleves silli bu imagining the ring girl they were alon and scared and so involved the others lyk tru friends shud and scared them 2!!!!.They decided to go sumwhere else 4 a bit so went to the lydiard house bit where they all stood and chatted 4 a bit alisa and jamie then went and sat on sum steps and chatted about da cadets and boring this and such lyk while occasionalli gettin wid each otha and mya and nick did the same thing minus the seemed monments since they had met but turned out 2 be 10:$0 and so they girls began 2 race home.....

mya in duvagoo asked alisa was she goin out wid jamie alisa sed no but then mya was strangely quiet and she asked if she was goin out wid nik she kept changin the subject n murmering about glass and such lyk rubbish so i new she was i screamed with lafta and thenMADE HER dmit 2 me LOL ....wen we got home we got with them at slags corna (alba close) and then took off where mya promptly decided 2 dump him as she only went out with him out of pity LOL
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