After 5/24 Group Meeting

May 24, 2010 21:45

Woo, what a rush! Spending an hour or two with my group, prepping for the big project that loometh overhead much like the fearsome water-heavy dark clouds do over Seattle (but not right now cuz the sun is down and can't see the clouds) is always a barrel of monkey-ed fun. :)

I'm such a dork. I'm so happy to be in this group. I feel like I'm in the group with the smart kids that everyone else in class wants to be with (whether they actually want to be or not, who knows). I feel like I've arrived. Finally, after 20-some years of education. I've got an "in" with the cool kids. ^_^_^_^_^ Such a dork.

Right. It's Monday. What in the world do have I have to worry about this week?

Not that I worry, cuz God is in control and why should I worry if it shines or rains because I'm safe and warm in his hands But rather...what do I focuz on this week?

1) GOING BACK TO CALI, BACK TO CALI, BACK TO CALI!!! Yeah, it's only for a weekend and sister's MED SCHOOL gradumacation, but it's still important to factor into plans.

2) Gritter Presentation (which the Synaptic Dendrite Illuminati of Awesome Justice just spent a sizable chunk of time on): this needs me to remake my slides for the final presentation, work out what I want to say, send them to Liz to get a backgroup fix. Also, edit and check over everyone else's slides as they pop by, offer suggestions, etc. Next week we'll have our run-through on Wednesday. Final presentation the 7th.

3) Gritter's Quiz: Quiz number 2 will not be available until June 1st-3rd. So not a high point for my week. (Ha! This is one of the last two assignments for her class! <3 Almost done with Students As Learners! <3 ) Will be due the 7th!
4) Scheuerman's Journals. 3 journals. Two are idea-ed up and partially written. 3rd has yet to go anywheres yet. Maybe take this hmwork along with you to Cali; it'll be lightweight. Due the 7th...the same day as everything else! (So since you know what to do, might as well make way for some of the other stuffs)

5) Scheuerman's Research/Professional Issue Paper: Eek. I haven't even chosen between the two topics. Choose a topic. Find research about topic, only from 2000 and earlier! 5-6 pages (psh, that's nothing). Due the 7th.

6) Scheuerman's School Profile Report. Eek. 4-5 pages, which isn't that long buuuut....I haven't finished my observations. XP Email Sra. Needs (at least) one paragraph about how the school deals with child abuse prevention and reporting. Due June 7th. (THis is the one I'm most worried about. I can probably write most of it even if the observation hours aren't quite long as I chat with the professor about the list of q's)

7) To reiterate, 40 hours of documented observations. Eurgh.

8) Work on Tuesday and turn in time sheet/certificate that I passed my Fundamentals of Care class (woot!) before I leave for Cali.

9) Get text back from Tiffany to help me write that School Profile Report Paper!!!

10) Pack for Cali! As in, make sure suitcase will hold everything and wash my clothes and maybe find a shirt or two at Platos/Target for fun and should I just make everything a carry-on? And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop stressing out. Cuz I'm getting obnoxious U.C. symptoms again and that would SUCK to be sick just when I'm heading out on a plane.

Is that it? I thought there was waaaay more...
On a more fun and less organized note, I've noticed something terribly fun. Whenever my fingernails are painted (much like my left hand is now- pay no attention to the 5th-grader like scheme of half and half colours), I end up doing silly, girlier? things with my fingers/hand as the day goes on. When I type, my hand doesn't just rest on the keyboard as I process what I've written; rather, the hand pops up a bit more, the pinky stuck out a wee bit higher than the others. I'm more prone to tapping my nails against hard surfaces (which, there's actually probably a correlation here with having longer nails when I have painted nails. For when my nails are painted, I, a nail nibbler, usually do not nibble. Unless I'm reallyREALLY stressed. And of course we know, that longer nails are far more conducive to hard-surface-tapping than short, stubby, BITTEN nails.

Hee. Just in case you wanted to know. (Ha! I paused with my left pinkie askew!)

pensamientos, schedule, school

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