Justifications, NC-17, Torchwood

Jul 25, 2010 20:01

Title: Justifications
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/character: Jack/Gwen, references to Gwen/Rhys
Summary: "Rhys not doing it for you anymore." Jack suggested, completely unable to keep the mockery out of his voice.
Warnings/Spoilers: None
A/N: Written for kink_bingo. Prompt is Pegging. Many thanks to Karaokegal for inspiration and beta-ing.

You’re talking to the one man on this planet who doesn't need an explanation. )

fic, one shot, torchwood

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Comments 3

ebineez01 August 11 2010, 11:48:25 UTC
I loved this so much. excellent job - very Jack & Gwen.
is there going to be a 'same time next week'? pleeeeeeeeeeease? :)


my_young_friend August 11 2010, 19:42:28 UTC
Whoops, sorry about that, wrong journal. Thank you very much for your kind words. No plans for a sequel, though. Jack/Gwen isn't my thing and this was partly written for a friend. I'm relieved you liked it, though. The characterisation was a little concerning to me!


ebineez01 August 12 2010, 07:36:05 UTC
okay, technically maybe a little OOC for Gwen as far as actually approaching Jack, but the way she phrased things & acted was very in character


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