It's finally that time of year again.

Nov 13, 2010 12:56

Dear Yuletide writer,

First off, don't be nervous. I'm really easy to please. I've made suggestions for the stories, but I love these fandoms and will be happy with whatever you write. The only things that won't float my boat I've listed, and you may even be able to write those well enough for me to like them. So don't worry if you don't seem to match up my prompts perfectly - chances are I'll love it anyway.

Second off, here is the link to my AO3 account. Up to you whether you want to glance at it or not as chances are I've never written anything for the fandom prompt that you have. But if you wanted to get an idea of what I write, there you are.

Third off, and most importantly, the expanded prompts. Please note that, because I couldn't select more than one pairing option and rating option, I've given the highest I wanted and broken down the options here.

24 - Jack/Chloe, Jack/Tony, Jack/Chloe/Tony
Go nuts on this one. I'm most interested in the power games between these three - who has power, who loses it, how they get it back, confrontations and face-offs. Big fan of bad-ass Chloe for that reason.

Spooks - Harry/Ruth
Bit more specific on this one. I want my happy ending! Don't mind how you get there or what you consider a realistic approximation of happy. This is one I have actually written a little for in the past. Can be set during or post-series. Doesn't have to be fluff, don't really care who else dies along the way, just give me something that says everything will be alright in the end.

Primeval - Lester/Ryan, Lester/Cutter, Lester/Stephen, Ryan/Cutter, Ryan/Stephen, Stephen/Cutter, Stephen/Cutter/Lester, Stephen/Lester/Ryan, Stephen/Lester/Cutter/Ryan etc (you get the point)
Cards on the table here - I love this show, but I much preferred the first two seasons. Ergo my character choices. You'll see from the pairings that I'm not particularly fussy who is with whom at this point. Mix it up, have multiples if you wish. I'd prefer no death fic and don't feel restricted by these characters - add Abby, Connor, Jenny/Claudia in supporting roles if you like, but please leave out Helen - not my favourite character.

Ravenous - Boyd/Ives
Yeah, this is my dark fandom. There's practically nothing you can't do here, although please no scat/loli/bestiality. See everything else that's not mentioned there? That's fair game. This is one of the few fandoms that I have written for, so feel free to go have a look at the fics - mainly very dark with a brief exploration of the psychology behind the characters and the 'affliction'.

So there you have it. Good luck, help yourself to the liquor cabinet and thank you in advance. I can't hardly wait.

primeval, 24, a word from our sponsors, ravenous, spooks

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