"The far side of four"

Mar 27, 2009 04:48

In no particular order as usual:

1) Pea Soup Sneak - the name of the little man who snuck into Echo's colon and deposited pea soup there. Echo and I are very open with each other. We've played dress up with each other and seen each other naked in the process.

2) Official Obstruction - the name of the tall man who blocked my view at Inferno.

3) Inferno - I will be back for leather and lace night with Echo after her sister's birthday.

4) Navigation Champ - that's me. I got to Aidan's dorm from Franklin without needing a map or directions AT ALL! I also could get to Jenny Street with relative ease. Getting back to Aidan's was only slightly more difficult. I could probably get to Matt's just fine, and now that I know where things a bit better, I could probably get to Kate's as well.

5) Speaking of Matt... Story Time. Aidan's TV died. Matt, being the kind, generous, man that he is, offered Aidan his TV since he never uses it - not even a bit, not even at all. Echo and I were hanging out in Aidan's dorm after going to Inferno and being unimpressed by the second band of live music performance. We chatted for a bit, and then Echo commented on her inability to sleep without a TV playing in the background. Aidan offered to drive to Matt's to pick up his TV, but they decided against it because it was late. Twenty minutes later, Aidan decided if we were going to have to drive around to get my car, switch it with Echo's, and then drive back to the dorms to drop off Aidan and Echo, then we may as well pick up the TV. I was starting to get really tired, but I didn't want to sleep in Aidan's single on his floor with just a sleeping bag. I would rather sleep elsewhere. Aidan made a comment about me being able to sleep at Matt's. Echo didn't really have any reaction, so I wasn't going to push it. Eventually we get to Matt's house, but Echo forgot to text Matt to tell him we were coming over to pick up the TV. He answered the door in his boxers. Damn fine man. I don't think I can say that enough about Matt. Damn fine man. Sadly, Matt put pants on, but they were ripped jeans. The pants were essentially assless chaps, but with the missing chunk in the front, not the back. He ripped them on the sharp corner of a table earlier in the day and then played with the rip until it spread and killed the pair of pants. So he had pants on, but not really.

He gave Aidan the TV in the first five seconds of us arriving at his house. But Matt decided that was a waste of a trip and that we should hang out and talk, but his house isn't made for entertaining. The TV doesn't work. His laptop isn't portable because of everything it's hooked up to in his bedroom. His furniture is essentially two love seats; Echo and I sat on one and Aidan and Matt sat on the other. Matt sat down first and my first reaction was, well I'm clearly not going to sit next to him because I have a crush on him and he's almost dating Navy Girl. Didn't think that all the way through. Me not sitting by him meant Echo and Aidan had to split up, which doesn't make a lot of sense. So the boys sat together and Echo and I sat together. We talked for a bit as a group, but then it dissolved into Echo and I just making jokes. Eventually we left.

I never really looked at Matt or engaged in conversation with him. Had I said something to Echo, or even to the group, about how tired I was and how I didn't want to drive home OR sleep in the same room as Echo and Aidan, I'm sure it would have been fine for me to sleep on Matt's couch. I was too scared to. I was too distracted by crush/lust of the Damn Fine Man. So I slept on the way back to Aidan's dorm to drop off the TV and the drive to my car over on Jenny. I had Aidan drive my car back to his dorm to drop themselves off so I could nap more in the back seat. They graciously offered to let me sleep there, but I declined. No, thank you. I drove home, kicking myself mentally for not taking the opportunity to stay at Matt's. I also forgot that Echo is my on facebook so when I changed my status to something about Matt, I forgot she would be able to see it. I changed it in the lot outside Tripp. By the time I got to Observatory, Echo had commented on it. I lied and said it was about Gregg instead of Matt. My pants may have well as been on fire. There should be more opportunities for me to see Matt in his boxers. I can live with that. I don't NEED to spend the night, although I wouldn't complain if I did!

I almost forgot! Some how the topic of hair on guy's butts came up. Echo made a comment about both Matt and Aidan having teddy bear butts because they were cute and furry. That comment could have been totally awkward. It wasn't. The lack of awkwardness means something. I don't know what, but it definitely means something.

6) Speaking of furry-ness. Aidan let us in post-Inferno/pre-Matt's house without a shirt on because he didn't think I was still with Echo. Echo likes her boys to be nubile. Aidan is definitely not my type. He's cute in some ways, and smart and funny, but he's no Damn Fine Man.

7) Speaking of someone not nubile-looking. Talked to Steve a couple of times this week. We haven't been talking as much because I've been spending my nights with Echo and I only talk to Steve at night. Steve got up the courage to get the number of a girl with whom he works and on whom he has a crush. Steve also got some cuddle action with a girl on whom he also has a crush at a party earlier this week. She fell asleep on his shoulder after methodically progressing to holding Steve's hand. I'm staying out of the way of those two possible somethings, giving advice when he asks, and being generally encouraging of his budding relationships. I'm pretty sure my hang out time with Steve is done. We said we'd do no string attached and he made it clear in previous conversations that I was not the only option. Staying out of the way and being supportive isn't exactly what I want to do, but that's what I'm doing.

8) While typing this, Gregg messaged me. He hasn't messaged me in a while and hasn't even checked the messages I've sent him. He's received them, just not looked at them. According to his latest text, it's because his phone is broken. He's not ignoring me, but he won't be getting a new phone until tomorrow. So he waits until the day before he's getting a new phone to tell me THAT'S why he hasn't been talking to me? Lame. Double Lame. EXTRA double lame.

9) Totally didn't realize how close Aidan's dorm is to Jen's dorm. Stopped by to see her last night and we caught up about some things. I miss her. I'm curious about Jeff's reaction to some of my updates. Even Jen didn't know what his reactions would be. Ooooo intrigue!
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