Jul 19, 2015 00:44
Simply put, I am in no way convinced that Obama's healthcare system has done anyone any good. Just from what I see on the ground, there's been no improvement in health care - just an increase in health insurance.. What people couldn't get before, they still aren't getting - only now, they're required, and fined if they don't acquiesce, to pay for what they still aren't getting.
I'm not slamming the President personally for this - I'm just sick to goddamn death of hearing people who already had healthcare before praise what others are now actually being punished for still not having. I would love to hear from one, just one person who has actually benefitted from this bullshit - just one truthful testimonial from someone who can say that they or an immediate family member has received any kind of actual healthcare they didn't have before.
Insurance doesn't help people heal. The services of a goddam physician are what do that.
Are we any closer to that?
I dare anyone to prove to me that we are.
This is an issue about which I would absolutely love to be wrong.