Dec 09, 2005 22:24
Wow. Been a while huh? Let's just say that I have been putting many tasks onto my plate. In addition, the holidays always bring chaos, but its the chaos i enjoy, the chaos with the family which gives me the widest smile in the whole wide world.
This week has been somewhat strange and i liked to use the word, "mumbo jumboed"
Monday night we had 2 bball games and I am proud to say that the Bus Drivers took the two teams "too skool" haha. That night i realized my eye was a bit pink...
Which leads me to staying home from school because for the first time in 6 years, I caught Pink eye from Miss Hannah Fingerhut, I must add; however, I'm not complaining because this sickness, folks, is probably the best you can have. I'm still fighting off the tail end of it, so let me know if you want it, I'd be more than happy to share.
I was fine by Wednesday, therefore, the family and I all went to the Mall so the kids could see Santa. I must admit though, it was so very tempting to just run up to santa and sit on his lap and throw out all the "things" i want for Christmas, but I realized that not only would people be staring at me, but I'm thinking Santa would have peed those red pants of his bc i scared him half to death. Hey, I'm a kid @ heart.
Thursday i was able to sleep in because of Mass that morning. It was a good way to start out my day. The snow was bad. Driving sucked, but I got paid that evening, so who was i to complain. Oh and I got a raise!!!! 10 dollars an hour now, thank you very much. My boss, Jim, he's the greatest!
Friday, lets just say my mom woke me up with the words..."Marie, are you sick?" I looked at my clock and yelled, "I SLEPT IN" Yes, as i was taking steps from the bed, my bus drives by. I quickly threw on the closest items of clothing, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door to catch the next bus stop. Yes, I made it, ONLY, because i had my mother drive me there. I stayed after school to work on our 10th hour class door, which would happen to be German. I must say, the door looks awesome so far, and after spending 4 extra hours at Katelyns to put together a textural tree...It looks 100% better than everyone elses. C142 - TOP THAT!
Ok, now that I have said that...
I'm making rules for myself!!!
1. I am not allowed to be on AIM no later than 9:30pm on school nights.
2. I must work out @ least 3 times a week. (bball counts)
3. I need to finish my Christmas shopping within 2 weeks.
4. Over Christmas break . . . I'm
a. Practicing my duo with Mark.
b. Perfecting my Humor.
c. Shopping with Melissa!!!!
d. Planning a killer New Years eve party. :)
e. Finding a weekend to visit Shawn in Cincinnati.
. Ok, I'm sure there are more, but because its late, I have no room to think.