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Booty is something both valuable and acquired by force or daring. The proceeds of criminal activity are sometimes referred to as booty, especially from piratical exploits. Historically, booty included plunder (from an enemy), loot (from piracy), or a prize (won by daring).
See also
Booty call
Shake Your Booty
boo·ty1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bt)
n. pl. boo·ties
Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war.
Goods or property seized by force or piracy.
A valuable prize, award, or gain.
n : goods or money obtained illegally [syn: loot, pillage, plunder, prize, swag, dirty money]
..and thats how my big sis and me were born. te hehe.
In the desert, where the cities are made of gold,
there's a girl playing hopscotch with pink ribbon pigtails. And
her mom calls out from and apartment balcony, "Come on baby!
Your bath is ready! It's almost time for sleep!"
And I wonder who's the father...
And I wonder what they call her - Sierra
Does her mother smoke, or does she jog every
morning? Does she drink when she thinks about me? Or doesn't
She need to drink...does she have a man who works a nine to
five? Does he come home to kiss our young Sierra, tuck her in
and say goodnight? (and an extra kiss for mama...)
I want that kiss, that kid, that apartment.
I'm ready to settle down now, so get that man out of
my bed. I want my daughter back now, I want to kiss her, tuck her
in and say, 'goodnight, my baby girl, Sierra.'
Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra,
I'll never know who you are, and I don't deserve to.
Sierra, Sierra, Sierra, Sierra,
My little girl, we would've been so...oh, nevermind. But I'm ready to
settle down now- yeah, I'm ready to leave that wrecking ball behind.
I could be your carpenter, and you could be my twinkling
north star o'er the desert sky.
i wonder if my dad ever felt that way.
is it strange that my big sister is a stranger to me?
The law of booty as to its division is
laid down in Num. 31:26-47.
&im listening to cursive again. its annas fault. 100% ANNA.