i had the day off
i went to the backyard and caught my sister playing with a squirel named crackers.
root beer and sidewalk chalk w/ sister.
tv dinners at the "fancy" dinner table.
i actually watched some tv today. and i liked it.
new cds and inde mags. (tv on the radio & velvet underground)
i got lost going to yens and no one mentioned it when i came late.
arti and yen took me to a hooka/club place(i didnt drive). it was different. i dont think i was "crunk" enough but i still enjoyed it.
on the ride home i got to hear about how well they are doing.
when i got dropped off at my car(about half a block away from yen's house) i sat in front of the wheel and put together my day in a quick mental slide show and felt happy. real happy.
i passed vets and made a u-turn just to skate the bowl once. i was kinda scared being there late and alone. word around the playground is that matt's girlfriends sister got raped and murdered there. i survived and i was happy. and i felt real fortunate knowing that i can go to wilson anytime i want and feel safe doing so.
i skipped up my driveway and sat in front of my computer for awhile. steveo imed me and told me hes comming home soon.
and then i layed on my bed and stared at the nearly blank canvas framed against my wall(the one with drippy lettering). and i noticed that it doesnt matter what other people tell me. outside opinions dont really mean shit. because to most people that dont understand me, that painting is just some ugly graffiti. to me its richer in sentamental beauty than any other masterpiece in the world.
"if we are this town's master graffiti artists any piece of talent we break the bridge off with is a masterpiece. lets go tear shit up and call it art."
and i layed there and feel asleep listening to lou reed
and dreamed of what it would be like to be "the wolfman jack"