sorry dean

Jun 12, 2003 07:57

Well, yesturday was a complete joke. It started out good...then by 4th period I couldnt stand the day. Everyone was annoying the hell out of me and i was just in the worst mood ever.

I went home, had some food, watched tv, went online, and 5:30 rolls around. Dean still hasnt showed up yet. He was supposed to come help me and my mom drive her car back so we could get my car too. So, i called tasha, holly, cvs, his house, holly called home to see if he was with amy...and he was no where to be found. 6pm rolls around, my moms home..hes still not fucking there. 6:30 comes around..and i was like 'wow. dean ditched me..thats fucked up.' SO, im heated beyond belief, and me and my mom end up spending 65 bucks to get a cab up there. We picked it up..omg
sooooo nice. Its beautiful. We got 20 day plates on it..and it looks brand new. Omg its sooo nice.
Anyway..i figured dean would comment in my journal and he never i went downstairs, watched tv..and sean called around 10. He came over, we went outside for like an hour and i showed him my car and we talked and such. 10:30ish..deans mom calls me.

..He got in a car accident. Apparently he is in the hospital. From what i understand, he was driving with some girl..and they hit a tree. I believe she was not sure if it was his car or not.

I felt so guilty. I was so mad because he never came when really he was in the fucking hospital. You have no idea.

I asked his mother to call me today if he is going to have to stay there tonight too. I would like to go visit him. From what i understand, hes not hurt badly..which is very good..i just hope hes alright. She told me and i felt like the biggest bitch in the world.

I hope hes ok.


After we hung up i kind of just sat there and told sean 239418234 times that i felt like the biggest bitch in the world for being so mad. I never thought he would ditch me..i guess that might be why i was so extremely mad...and then i find out that hes in the hospital. me=horrible.


SEan and i stayed outside for a little bit longer..and then he had to go home. We said goodbye, i went a call..and went to bed around 12 i think.. I dont really remember.

Today, is thursday..and reguardless of recent events, today WILL be a fantastic day. Today is 3...and i dont believe the numbers will stop going up any time soon. <3

Im going home today, taking a nap..and then sean and I are going out. We are gonna go get our checks and find out when im working tomorrow..cuz i have no ride and if im in at 5 then i can just take the bus. If im in at screwed. After that, im not sure whats going on.

Im hoping that if dean is in the hospital still i can scrounge up money to go see him.

Today needs to be a good day.
nothing can ruin this.

nothing can ruin what we have.
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