
Mar 07, 2005 21:56

hello sorry i havent written in so long its just that ive been somewhat busy and this isnt the only journal i have so i takes a while to get around if you know what i mean i dont mean to sound concieted but im just a busy person well... more like a lazy person but you know what i mean well neways getting off the subject ive been good i guess hey guess what im going to the slipknot concert isnt that cool im really really going for sure sure and my friends gonna be there since 9 am and shes gonna let me cut so ill have excellent seats for sure sure so thats kool i cant wait to spring break i want it to be spring break already so i can watch tv and go online all the live long day so yeah.... have you guys ever felt like life is so perfect and everything is happy but deep inside you feel as if that perfect feeling were a fake and everything feels like a big impster in your mind have you ever felt that or is it just me that gets those weird feelings cuz i could be me i have lots of issues or so ive heard ha ha well yeah do you guys think that there is life after death what do you think it would be like to die i think it will be like going to sleep like when you go to sleep but never dream of anything i think death is something like that heaven is just a state of mind in which you are at ease and nothing can get you out of that state of mind and hell is also a state of mind in which you regret doing stuff and feel disturbed about all the bad things you ever did i think religion is just a big load of crap like serously i dont have anything against relious people i just dont agree with that junk i dont like to be told how to live and how to think its just not in me well i should go now cuz i have to do my homework buh bye
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